pytest-notion 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pytestnotion 1.0.1

A PyTest Reporter to send test runs to and enable bi-directional

Test Cycle Report - Shows Test Execution Results from run

Test Execution - Shows Stack trace if failed

Test Case - Shows Test Executions
How it works
notion-pytest-reporter uses the unofficial Notion API to create new items in
the Test collection templates found here: Test Report Template
For every test run notion-pytest-reporter will create a new Test Cycle and
within the Test Cycle create a Test Execution.
The Test Execution can be linked to a Test Case using the @pytest.mark.notion_test(test_name) decorator
with the test_name argument being the title of the test case.
If a Test Case has been linked to a Test Execution then the Test Case page will
be updated to show that Test Execution allowing for bi-directional traceability
between the executed test and the test case.
If the Test Case is linked to a user story or specification then you'll
have bi-directional traceability between the tests and the user story!
Running the reporter
The reporter takes the following arguments:


API token used to authenticate with Notion

URL of the Test Cycle collection

URL of the Test Case collection

URL of the Test Execution collection

Name to use for the Test Cycle

All arguments execpt --test-cycle-name are required for the reporter to run.
Getting the Authentication Token and collections URLS
In order to get the authentication token used by the test reporter
you'll need to use the web version of Notion.
Once you've logged into Notion open the inspector panel on your web browser
and locate the cookie named token_v2 - the value stored in that cookie is
authentication token.
The Test Cycle and Test Case URLs are simpler to extract.
Right click the Test Cycle page in the side navigation and select Copy Link to
get the URL for the Test Cycle collection.
Right click the Test Cases page in the side navigation and select Copy Link to
get the URL for the Test Cases collection.
Right click the Test Executions page in the side navigation and select Copy Link to
get the URL for the Test Executions collection.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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