pytest-paramark 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pytestparamark 0.1.1

Configure pytest fixtures using combination of parametrize and markers

What is this thing?

The problem
Pytest fixture names must be unique within the whole dependency graph
This means that when you want to parametrize fixtures, each parameter name must
be unique:
import pytest

def foo(foo_option):
return {'option': foo_option}

def bar(bar_option):
return {'option': bar_option}

'foo_option, bar_option',
(42, 24),
def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 42
assert bar['option'] == 24
Also, if you want to provide default vaules for options, they need to be fixtures as well:
def foo_option():
return 'default_foo_option'

def bar_option():
return 'default_bar_option'

def foo(foo_option):
return {'option': foo_option}

def bar(bar_option):
return {'option': bar_option}

def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 'default_foo_option'
assert bar['option'] == 'default_bar_option'
This is inconvenient when number of options and fixtures increases, and you end
up with lots of boilerplate code like this:
def app_elements():

def app_sequence():
return None

def app_uuid(uuid=None):
return uuid or uuid4()

def app_app_key():
return ApplicationKey(bytes.fromhex('63964771734fbd76e3b40519d1d94a48'))

def app_net_key():
return NetworkKey(bytes.fromhex('7dd7364cd842ad18c17c2b820c84c3d6'))

def app_dev_key():
return DeviceKey(bytes.fromhex('9d6dd0e96eb25dc19a40ed9914f8f03f'))

def app_addr():
return 0x5f2

def app_iv_index():
return 0

def application(app_uuid, app_elements, app_dev_key, app_app_key, app_net_ket,
app_addr, app_iv_index, app_sequence):

The solution
This plugin provides a cleaner way to pass such options to selected fixutres,
by implementing a magic fixture called paramark, which returns a different value
for each of the fixtures that depend on it:
def foo(paramark):
return paramark

def bar(paramark):
return paramark
def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 42
assert bar['option'] == 24
As can be seen in the example, paramark returns a dictionary with keys and
values pulled from a custom mark with the same name as the dependant fixture.
Note that these marks still need to be registered.
This also works with parametrize, by extending the argument name syntax to include a dot:
'foo.option, bar.option',
(43, 24),
def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 42
assert bar['option'] == 24
or, if you want to parametrize the whole dictionary:
'foo.*, bar.option',
({'option': 42, 'another: 17}, 24),
def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 42
assert foo['another'] == 17
assert bar['option'] == 24
Having this, defining default values no longer requires separate fixture for each option:
def foo(paramark):
default = {'option': 'default_foo_option'}
return {**default, **paramark)

def bar(paramark):
default = {'option': 'default_bar_option'}
return {**default, **paramark)'custom_foo_option')
def test_options(foo, bar):
assert foo['option'] == 'custom_foo_option'
assert bar['option'] == 'default_bar_option'
or, if you want to be safer and fancier:
import typing

def foo(paramark):
class Foo(typing.NamedTuple):
option: str = 'default_foo_option'

return Foo(**paramark)

def test_options(foo):
assert foo.option == 'default_foo_option'

You can install “pytest-paramark” via pip from PyPI:
$ pip install pytest-paramark

Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure
the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, “pytest-paramark” is free and open source software

If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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