pytest-play 2.3.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pytestplay 2.3.1


pytest-play is a codeless, generic, pluggable and extensible automation tool,
not necessarily test automation only, based on the fantastic pytest test framework
that let you define and execute YAML files containing scripts or test scenarios
through actions and assertions that can be implemented and managed even by non technical users:

automation (not necessarily test automation). You can build a set of actions on a single file (e.g,
call a JSON based API endpoint, perform an action if a condition matches) or a test automation
project with many test scenarios.
For example you can create always fresh test data on demand supporting
manual testing activities, build a live simulator and so on

codeless, or better almost codeless. If you have to write assertions against action results or some
conditional expressions you need a very basic knowledge of Python or Javascript expressions
with a smooth learning curve (something like variables['foo'] == 'bar')
generic. It is not yet again another automation tool for browser automation only, API only, etc.
You can drive a browser, perform some API calls, make database queries and/or make assertions
using the same tool for different technologies
So there are several free or not free testing frameworks or automation tools and many times
they address just one single area testing needs and they are not extensible: API testing only,
UI testing only and so on. It could be fine if you are testing a web
only application like a CMS but if you are dealing with a reactive IoT application you might something more,
make cross actions or cross checks against different systems or build something of more complex upon

powerful. It is not yet again another test automation tool, it only extends the pytest framework
with another paradigm and inherits a lot of good stuff (test data decoupled by test implementation
that let you write once and executed many times the same scenario thanks to native parametrization
support, reporting, integration with test management tools, many useful command line options, browsers and
remote Selenium grids integration, etc)
pluggable and extensible. Let’s say you need to interact with a system not yet supported by a pytest-play
plugin, you can write by your own or pay someone for you. In addition there is a scaffolding tool that
let you implement your own command:
easy to use. Why YAML? Easy to read, easy to write, simple and standard syntax, easy to be validated and
no parentheses hell. Despite there are no recording tools (not yet) for browser interaction or API calls, the
documentation based on very common patterns let you copy, paste and edit command by command with no pain
free software. It’s an open source project based on the large and friendly pytest community
easy to install. The only prerequisite is Docker thanks to the davidemoro/pytest-play Docker Hub container.
Or better, with docker, no installation is required: you just need to type the following command
docker run -i --rm -v $(pwd):/src davidemoro/pytest-play inside your project folder

See at the bottom of the page the third party plugins that extends pytest-play:

Third party pytest-play plugins

How it works
Depending on your needs and skills you can choose to use pytest-play programmatically
writing some Python code or following a Python-less approach.
As said before with pytest-play you will be able to create codeless scripts or test scenarios
with no or very little Python knowledge: a file test_XXX.yml (e.g., test_something.yml,
where test_ and .yml matter) will be automatically recognized and executed without having
to touch any *.py module.
You can run a single scenario with pytest test_XXX.yml or running the entire suite filtering
by name or keyword markers.
Despite pytest-play was born with native support for JSON format, pytest-play>=2.0 versions will support
YAML only for improved usability.

Python-less (pure YAML)
Here you can see the contents of a pytest-play project without any Python files inside
containing a login scenario:
$ tree
├── env-ALPHA.yml (OPTIONAL)
└── test_login.yml
and you might have some global variables in a settings file specific for a target environment:
$ cat env-ALPHA.yml
The test scenario with action, assertions and optional metadata
(play_selenium external plugin needed):
$ cat test_login.yml
- login
- username: siteadmin
password: siteadmin
- username: editor
password: editor
- username: reader
password: reader
- comment: visit base url
type: get
provider: selenium
url: "$base_url"
- comment: click on login link
type: id
value: personaltools-login
type: clickElement
provider: selenium
- comment: provide a username
type: id
value: __ac_name
text: "$username"
type: setElementText
provider: selenium
- comment: provide a password
type: id
value: __ac_password
text: "$password"
type: setElementText
provider: selenium
- comment: click on login submit button
type: css
value: ".pattern-modal-buttons > input[name=submit]"
type: clickElement
provider: selenium
- comment: wait for page loaded
type: css
value: ".icon-user"
type: waitForElementVisible
provider: selenium
The first optional YAML document contains some metadata with keywords aka markers
so you can filter tests to be executed invoking pytest with marker expressions,
decoupled test data, etc.
The same test_login.yml scenario will be executed 3 times with different
decoupled test data test_data defined inside its first optional YAML
document (the block between the 2 --- lines).
So write once and execute many times with different test data!
You can see a hello world example here:

As told before the metadata document is optional so you might have 1 or 2
documents in your YAML file. You can find more info about Metadata format.
Here you can see the same example without the metadata section for sake of
- comment: visit base url
type: get
provider: selenium
url: "http://YOURSITE"
- comment: click on login link
type: clickElement
provider: selenium
type: id
value: personaltools-login
- comment: provide a username
type: setElementText
provider: selenium
type: id
value: __ac_name
- comment: provide a password
type: setElementText
provider: selenium
type: id
value: __ac_password
- comment: click on login submit button
type: clickElement
provider: selenium
type: css
value: ".pattern-modal-buttons > input[name=submit]"
- comment: wait for page loaded
type: waitForElementVisible
provider: selenium
type: css
value: ".icon-user"

You can invoke pytest-play programmatically too.
You can define a test like this:
def test_login(play):
data = play.get_file_contents(
'my', 'path', 'etc', 'login.yml')
play.execute_raw(data, extra_variables={})
Or this programmatical approach might be used if you are
implementing BDD based tests using pytest-bdd.

Core commands
pytest-play provides some core commands that let you:

write simple Python assertions, expressions and variables
reuse steps including other test scenario scripts
provide a default command template for some particular providers
(eg: add by default HTTP authentication headers for all requests)
a generic wait until machinery. Useful for waiting for an
observable asynchronous event will complete its flow before
proceeding with the following commands that depends on the previous
step completion

You can write restricted Python expressions and assertions based on the RestrictedPython package.
RestrictedPython is a tool that helps to define a subset of the Python
language which allows to provide a program input into a trusted environment.
RestrictedPython is not a sandbox system or a secured environment, but it helps
to define a trusted environment and execute untrusted code inside of it.

How to reuse steps
You can split your commands and reuse them using the include command avoiding
- provider: include
type: include
path: "/some-path/included-scenario.yml"
You can create a variable for the base folder where your test scripts live.

Default commands
Some commands require many verbose options you don’t want to repeat (eg: authentication headers for play_requests).
Instead of replicating all the headers information you can initialize a pytest-play with the provider name as
key and as a value the default command you want to omit (this example neets the external plugin play_selenium):
- provider: python
type: store_variable
name: bearer
expression: "'BEARER'"
- provider: python
type: store_variable
name: play_requests
expression: "{'parameters': {'headers': {'Authorization': '$bearer'}}}"
- provider: play_requests
type: GET
comment: this is an authenticated request!
url: "$base_url"

Store variables
You can store a pytest-play variables:
- provider: python
type: store_variable
expression: "1+1"
name: foo

Make a Python assertion
You can make an assertion based on a Python expression:
- provider: python
type: assert
expression: variables['foo'] == 2

Sleep for a given amount of seconds:
- provider: python
type: sleep
seconds: 2

Exec a Python expresssion
You can execute a Python expression:
- provider: python
type: exec
expression: "1+1"

While condition and looping
If you need to loop over a series of commands or wait something you can use
the while command. It will execute the sequence of sub commands, if any,
while the resulting expression condition is true. Assuming you have a countdown
variable containing a integer 10, the block of commands whill be executed 10 times:
- provider: python
type: while
expression: variables['countdown'] >= 0
timeout: 2.3
poll: 0.1
- provider: python
type: store_variable
name: countdown
expression: variables['countdown'] - 1
The while command supersedes the other legacy commands wait_until
(stops when the condition becomes true) or wait_until_not.

Conditional commands (Python)
You can skip any command evaluating a Python based skip condition
like the following:
- provider: include
type: include
path: "/some-path/assertions.yml"
skip_condition: variables['cassandra_assertions'] is True

How to assert commands elapsed time
The engine updates a pytest-play variable called _elapsed
for each executed command. So you can write something that:
- type: GET
provider: play_requests
expression: "'dev' in response.json()"
- type: assert
provider: python
expression: "variables['_elapsed'] > 0"

Generate a JUnit XML report
Use the --junit-xml command line option, e.g.:
--junit-xml results.xml
You’ll get for each test case errors, commands executed in system-output (do not use -s or --capture=no otherwise you won’t
see commands in system-output) and execution timing metrics (global, per test case and per single command thanks to _elapsed property tracked on every executed command shown in system-output).
Here you can see a standard results.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skipped="0" tests="1" time="0.360"><testcase classname="test_assertion.yml" file="test_assertion.yml" name="test_assertion.yml" time="0.326"><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &apos;1 == 1&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0003077983856201172}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &apos;0 == 0&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0002529621124267578}

Generate a custom JUnit XML report with custom properties and execution times metrics
You can track execution time metrics for monitoring and measure
what is important to you. For example you can track using a machine interpretable format:

response times (e.g., how much time is needed for returning a POST json payload)
time that occurs between the invocation of an API and a reactive web application update or some asynchronous data appearing on an event store
time that occurs between a user input on browser and results updated (e.g., a live search)
time that occurs between a login button and the page loaded an usable (e.g., how much time is needed after a browser action to click on a target button)

Track response time metric in JUnit XML report
For example, a test_categories.yml file executed with
the command line option --junit-xml report.xml (requires play_requests plugin):
- category: dev
- category: movie
- category: food
- type: GET
provider: play_requests
expression: "'$category' in response.json()"
- provider: metrics
type: record_elapsed
name: categories_time
- type: assert
provider: python
expression: "variables['categories_time'] < 2.5"
comment: you can make an assertion against the categories_time
will generate an extended report.xml file with custom properties like that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skipped="0" tests="3" time="2.031"><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml0" time="0.968"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="0.5829994678497314"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;dev&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.5829994678497314}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 3.3855438232421875e-05}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2.5&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0006382465362548828}
</system-out></testcase><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml1" time="0.481"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="0.4184422492980957"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;movie&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.4184422492980957}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 2.09808349609375e-05}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2.5&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.000553131103515625}
</system-out></testcase><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml2" time="0.534"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="0.463592529296875"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;food&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.463592529296875}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 2.09808349609375e-05}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2.5&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.00054931640625}
and the custom property categories_time will be tracked for each
test case execution, for example:
<property name="categories_time" value="0.5829994678497314"/>

Advanced metrics in JUnit XML report
In this example we want to measures how long it takes a page to become interactive
(page responding to user interactions) and evaluate update time for a live search feature.
Let’s see the test_search.yml example (requires play_selenium):
- provider: selenium
type: get
- provider: metrics
type: record_elapsed_start
name: load_time
- provider: selenium
type: setElementText
text: plone 5
type: id
value: searchGadget
- provider: metrics
type: record_elapsed_stop
name: load_time
- provider: metrics
type: record_elapsed_start
name: live_search_time
- provider: selenium
type: waitForElementVisible
type: css
value: li[data-url$=""]
- provider: metrics
type: record_elapsed_stop
name: live_search_time
If you execute this scenario with the --junit-xml results.xml
option you’ll get a results.xml file similar to this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skipped="0" tests="1" time="13.650"><testcase classname="test_search.yml" file="test_search.yml" name="test_search.yml" time="13.580"><properties><property name="load_time" value="1.1175920963287354"/><property name="live_search_time" value="1.0871295928955078"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;provider&apos;: &apos;selenium&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;get&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 9.593282461166382}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;load_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed_start&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 1.1682510375976562e-05}
{&apos;locator&apos;: {&apos;type&apos;: &apos;id&apos;, &apos;value&apos;: &apos;searchGadget&apos;}, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;selenium&apos;, &apos;text&apos;: &apos;plone 5&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;setElementText&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 1.1019845008850098}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;load_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed_stop&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 1.9788742065429688e-05}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;live_search_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed_start&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 1.0013580322265625e-05}
{&apos;locator&apos;: {&apos;type&apos;: &apos;css&apos;, &apos;value&apos;: &apos;li[data-url$=&quot;;]&apos;}, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;selenium&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;waitForElementVisible&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 1.060795545578003}
{&apos;name&apos;: &apos;live_search_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_elapsed_stop&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 2.3603439331054688e-05}
and in this case you’ll find out that the key metric load_time
was 1.11 seconds and the live_search_time was 1.09 seconds as
you can see here:
<property name="load_time" value="1.1175920963287354"/>
<property name="live_search_time" value="1.0871295928955078"/>
So thanks to JUnit XML reporting you can track response times (not only browser based timings)
using a machine readable format to be ingested by third party systems with an acceptable approximation
if you cannot track timings directly on the systems under test.

Track any property in JUnit XML reports using expressions
Let’s see a test_categories.yml (play_selenium required):
- category: dev
- category: movie
- category: food
- type: GET
provider: play_requests
expression: "'$category' in response.json()"
- provider: metrics
type: record_property
name: categories_time
expression: "variables['_elapsed']*1000"
- type: assert
provider: python
expression: "variables['categories_time'] < 2500"
comment: you can make an assertion against the categories_time
generates some custom properties (categories_time in milliseconds using a python expression)
using the --junit-xml results.xml cli option:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skipped="0" tests="3" time="2.312"><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml0" time="1.034"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="610.3124618530273"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;dev&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.6103124618530273}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;exec&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0006859302520751953}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_property&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.006484270095825195}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2500&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0005526542663574219}
</system-out></testcase><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml1" time="0.550"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="443.72105598449707"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;movie&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.44372105598449707}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;exec&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0009415149688720703}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_property&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.01613616943359375}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2500&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0011241436004638672}
</system-out></testcase><testcase classname="test_categories.yml" file="test_categories.yml" name="test_categories.yml2" time="0.676"><properties><property name="categories_time" value="576.5485763549805"/></properties><system-out>{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;&apos;food&apos; in response.json()&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;play_requests&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;GET&apos;, &apos;url&apos;: &apos;;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.5765485763549805}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;exec&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0006375312805175781}
{&apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;_elapsed&apos;]*1000&quot;, &apos;name&apos;: &apos;categories_time&apos;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;metrics&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;record_property&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.006584644317626953}
{&apos;comment&apos;: &apos;you can make an assertion against the categories_time&apos;, &apos;expression&apos;: &quot;variables[&apos;categories_time&apos;] &lt; 2500&quot;, &apos;provider&apos;: &apos;python&apos;, &apos;type&apos;: &apos;assert&apos;, &apos;_elapsed&apos;: 0.0005452632904052734}
obtaining the metrics you want to track for each execution, for example:
<properties><property name="categories_time" value="610.3124618530273"/></properties>
so you might track the category as well for each test execution
or whatever you want.

Monitoring test metrics with statsd/graphite
If you like the measure everything approach you can track and monitor interesting
custom test metrics from an end user perspective during normal test executions or
heavy load/stress tests thanks to the statsd/graphite integration.
Measuring important key metrics is important for many reasons:

compare performance between different versions under same conditions using past
tracked stats for the same metric (no more say the system seems slower today)
predict the system behaviour with many items on frontend (e.g., evaluate
the browser dealing with thousands and thousands of items managed by an infinite
scroll plugin)
predict the system behaviour under load

You can install statsd/graphite in minutes using Docker:

Basically you can track on statsd/graphite every numeric metric using
the same commands used for tracking metrics on JUnit XML reports as we will see.
In addition, but not required, installing the third party plugin called pytest-statsd.
you can track on statsd/graphite:

execution times
number of executed tests per status (pass, fail, error, etc)

Prerequisites (you need to install the optional statsd client not installed by
pip install pytest-play[statsd]
Usage (cli options compatible with pytest-statsd):
--stats-d [--stats-prefix play --stats-host --stats-port 3000]

--stats-d, enable statsd
--stats-prefix (optional), if you plan on having multiple projects sending
results to the same server.
For example if you provide play as prefix you’ll get a time metric under
the key (or instead of .mean you can use .upper,
upper_90, etc)
--stats-host, by default localhost
--stats-port, by default 8125

Now you can track timing metrics using the record_elapsed or
record_elapsed_start/record_elapsed_stop commands seen before (pytest-play will
send for you time values to statsd converted to milliseconds as requested by statsd).
If you want to track custom metrics using the record_property command you have to provide
an additional parameter called metric_type. For example:
- provider: metrics
type: record_property
name: categories_time
expression: "variables['_elapsed']*1000"
metric_type: timing
- provider: metrics
type: record_property
name: fridge_temperature
expression: "4"
metric_type: gauge
Some additional information regarding the record_property command:

if you don’t provide the metric_type option in record_property commands values
will not be transmitted to statsd (eventually they will be tracked on JUnit XML report
if --junit-xml option was provided)
if you provide an allowed metric_type value (timing or gauge) non numeric values
will be considered as an error (ValueError exception raised)
non allowed metric_type values will be considered as an error
if you provide timing as metric_type, it’s up to you providing a numeric value
expressed in milliseconds

Monitor HTTP response times
Monitor API response time (see

Browser metrics
Monitor browser metrics using Selenium from an end user perspective (see

from page load to page usable
live search responsiveness

Record metrics programmatically
If you don’t want to use pytest-play but you need to record test metrics
you can use pytest-play as a library::
def test_programmatically(play):
'provider': 'metrics',
'type': 'record_property',
'name': 'oil_temperature',
'expression': '60',
'metric_type': 'gauge'})

Performance tests with pytest-play and bzt/Taurus (BlazeMeter)
You can reuse all your pytest-play scenario and turn them to
performance tests using bzt/Taurus (so it is compatible with BlazeMeter
too and all its goodies).
Add a bzt/Taurus YAML file with no test_ prefix like that (full example here in
artifacts-dir: /tmp/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.%f

- executor: pytest
scenario: pytest-run
iterations: 1

# additional-args: --stats-d --stats-prefix play
script: scripts/

- module: shellexec
- pip3 install -r
and run the following command:
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src --user root --entrypoint "bzt" davidemoro/pytest-play bzt.yml
You will see bzt up and running playing our scenarios:

You can uncomment additional-args to pass other pytest command line options (e.g., enable statsd
for key user metrics monitoring or any other cli option).
More info about bzt/Taurus here:

Dynamic expressions in payloads without declaring variables
If you have to send a certain payload to a REST endpoint or a MQTT message
containing a dynamic value you can store a variable with store_variable
and use $variable_name in your payload when needed.
Storing variables is cool if you will reuse later that value but if just have to
generate a dynamic value, let’s say a timestamp in milliseconds,
you can use the {! EXPRESSION !} format.
For example (play_mqtt plugin required):
- comment: python expressions in mqtt payload (without declaring variables)
provider: mqtt
type: publish
host: "$mqtt_host"
port: "$mqtt_port"
endpoint: "$mqtt_endpoint/$device_serial_number"
payload: '{
"measure_id": [124],
"obj_id_L": [0],
"measureType": ["float"],
"start_time": {! int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()*1000) !},
"bin_value": [1]
where instead of the expression:
{! int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()*1000) !},
will be printed:

Browser based commands
The pytest-play core no more includes browser based commands. Moved to play_selenium
external plugin.

pytest-play is pluggable and extensible
pytest-play has a pluggable architecture and you can extend it.
For example you might want to support your own commands, support non UI
commands like making raw POST/GET/etc calls, simulate IoT devices
activities, provide easy interaction with complex UI widgets like
calendar widgets, send commands to a device using the serial port implementing
a binary protocol and so on.

How to register a new command provider
Let’s suppose you want to extend pytest-play with the following command:
command = {'type': 'print', 'provider': 'newprovider', 'message': 'Hello, World!'}
You just have to implement a command provider:
from pytest_play.providers import BaseProvider

class NewProvider(BaseProvider):

def this_is_not_a_command(self):
""" Commands should be command_ prefixed """

def command_print(self, command):

def command_yetAnotherCommand(self, command):
and register your new provider in your adding an entrypoint:
'playcommands': [
'print = your_package.providers:NewProvider',
You can define new providers also for non UI commands. For example publish MQTT
messages simulating IoT device activities for integration tests.
If you want you can generate a new command provider thanks to:

Metadata format
You can also add some scenario metadata placing another YAML document on top of the scenario
defined on the test_XXX.yml with the following format:
- marker1
- marker2
- username: foo
- username: bar
# omitted scenario steps in this example...
Option details:

markers, you can decorate your scenario with one or more markers. You can use them
in pytest command line for filtering scenarios to be executed thanks to marker
expressions like -m "marker1 and not slow"
test_data, enables parametrization of your decoupletd test data and let you execute
the same scenario many times. For example
the example above will be executed twice (one time with “foo” username and another time
with “bar”)

New options will be added in the next feature (e.g., skip scenarios, xfail, xpass, etc).


Articles and talks

Hello pytest-play!
API/REST testing like Chuck Norris with pytest play using YAML
pytest-play automated docker hub publishing workflow
Test automation framework thoughts and examples with Python, pytest and Jenkins
Testing metrics thoughts and examples: how to turn lights on and off through MQTT with pytest-play


Serena Martinetti @ Pycon9 - Florence: Integration tests ready to use with pytest-play
Davide Moro @ STF2019 - Milan: Automazione e monitoraggio metriche di test in ambito IoT con pytest-play

Third party pytest-play plugins

play_selenium, pytest-play plugin driving browsers using Selenium/Splinter
under the hood. Selenium grid compatible and implicit auto wait actions
for more robust scenarios with less controls.
play_requests, pytest-play plugin driving the famous Python requests
library for making HTTP calls.
play_sql, pytest-play support for SQL expressions and assertions
play_cassandra, pytest-play support for Cassandra expressions and assertions
play_dynamodb, pytest-play support for AWS DynamoDB queries and assertions
play_websocket, pytest-play support for websockets
play_mqtt, pytest-play plugin for MQTT support. Thanks to play_mqtt
you can test the integration between a mocked IoT device that sends
commands on MQTT and a reactive web application with UI checks.
You can also build a simulator that generates messages for you.

Feel free to add your own public plugins with a pull request!

pytest-play tweets happens here:



2.3.1 (2019-06-12)

fix compatibility with pytest 4.6. Rif #86


update media section (articles and talks)

2.3.0 (2019-04-05)
Features and improvements:

wait_until and wait_until_not now accept commands with no sub_commands property
implement new while command in python provider (while expression is true)

2.2.2 (2019-03-29)
Minor changes:

remove internal property parameter on engine


add compatibility with pytest-repeat’s --count command line option


mention how to generate dynamic values using {! expr !} expressions
(e.g., dynamic payloads in REST or MQTT without having to store variables
when not needed)

2.2.1 (2019-03-19)
Minor changes:

add int and float builtins available in Python expressions
make python expressions more flexible for future improvements (internal change that doesn’t
affect compatibility)


fix --setup-plan invokation


add more examples (bzt/Taurus and performance tests using pytest-play)

2.2.0 (2019-03-01)

statsd integration (optional requirement) for advanced test metrics using statsd/graphite.
If you install pytest play with the optional statsd support with pytest-play[statsd]
you will get the additional dependency statsd client and you can use the same cli
options defined by the pytest-statsd plugin (e.g.,
--stats-d [--stats-prefix myproject --stats-host --stats-port 3000]).
Note well: despite the above cli options are the same defined by the pytest-statsd plugin,
at this time of writing pytest-statsd is not a pytest-play dependency
so you won’t get stats about number of failures, passing, etc but only stats tracked by
pytest-play. If you need them you can install pytest-statsd (it plays well with pytest-play)

2.1.0 (2019-02-22)

support junit xml generation file with system-out element for
each test case execution (pytest --junit-xml option).
system-out will tracked by default in junit report unless you use
the --capture=no or its alias -s
track _elapsed time for each executed command --junit-xml report
if system-out is enabled
track pytest custom properties in --junit-xml report for monitoring
and measure what is important to you. For example you can track as key metric
the time of the time occurred between the end of the previous action and
the completion of the following. Basically you can track under the property_name
load_login key the time occurred between the click on the submit button
and the end of the current command (e.g., click on the menu or text input
being able to receive text) using a machine interpretable format.
The property_name value elapsed time will be available as standard pytest-play
variable so that you can make additional assertions

after every command execution a pytest-play variable will be added/updated
reporting the elapsed time (accessible using variables['_elapsed']).
So be aware that the _elapsed variable name should be considered as a special
variable and so you should not use this name for storing variables

improve debug in case of failed assertions or errored commands. Logged variables
dump in standard logs and system-out reporting if available
improve debuggability in case of assertion errors (log failing expression)
added a new metrics provider that let you track custom metrics in conjunction
with --junit-xml option. You can track in a machine readable format response
times, dynamic custom expressions, time that occurs between different commands
(e.g., measure the time needed after a login to interact with the page, time before
an asynchronous update happens and so on). Under the metrics provider you’ll
find the record_property, record_elapsed, record_elapsed_start and
record_elapsed_stop commands


minor documentation changes
add more examples

2.0.2 (2019-02-06)

more examples
fix documentation bug on README (example based on selenium with missing provider: selenium)

2.0.1 (2019-01-30)

Mention davidemoro/pytest-play docker container in README.
You can use pytest-play with a docker command like that now
docker run -i --rm -v $(pwd):/src davidemoro/pytest-play


Fix error locking pipenv due to pytest-play requirement
constraint not existing (RestrictedPython>=4.0.b2 -> RestrictedPython>=4.0b2)

2.0.0 (2019-01-25)
Breaking changes:

Renamed fixture from play_json to play (#5)
Drop json support, adopt yaml only format for scenarios (#5)
Drop .ini file for metadata, if you need them you can add
a YAML document on top of the scenario .yml file. You no more
need multiple files for decorating your scenarios now (#65)
play.execute no more accepts raw data string), consumes a list of commands.
Introduced play.execute_raw accepting raw data string.
play.execute_command accepts a Python dictionary only now (not a string)
Selenium provider removed from pytest-play core, implemented on a
separate package play_selenium. Starting from now you have to add
to your selenium commands provider: selenium
engine’s parametrizer_class attribute no more available (
use parametrizer.Parametrizer by default now)

Bug fix:

Fix invalid markup on PyPI (#55)
Fix invalid escape sequences (#62).

Documentation and trivial changes:

Add examples folder

1.4.2 (2018-05-17)

Configuration change on Github. Use the same branching policy adopted by
pytest (master becomes main branch, see #56)
Fixed skipped test and added new tests (deselect scenarios with keyword
and marker expressions)
Fix #58: you no more get a TypeError if you try to launch pytest-play
in autodiscovery mode
Fix #55: restructured text lint on README.rst (bad visualization on pypi)
Updated README (articles and talks links)
Added a DeprecationWarning for play_json fixture.
pytest-play will be based on yaml instead of json in version >=2.0.0.

1.4.1 (2018-04-06)

Documentation improvements
Add bzt/Taurus/BlazeMeter compatibility

1.4.0 (2018-04-05)

Small documentation improvements
Now test_XXX.json files are automatically collected and executed
You can run a test scenario using the pytest CLI pytest test_YYY.json
Introduced json test scenario ini file with markers definition. For a given
test_YYY.json scenario you can add a test_YYY.ini ini file:
markers =
and filter scenarios using marker expressions pytest -m marker1

Enabled parametrization of arguments for a plain json scenario in scenario ini file:
test_data =
{"username": "foo"}
{"username": "bar"}
and your json scenario will be executed twice

pytest-play loads some variables based on the contents of the optional pytest-play
section in your pytest-variables file now. So if your variables file contains the following
foo: bar
date_format: YYYYMMDD
you will be able to use expressions $foo, $date_format, variables['foo'] or

1.3.2 (2018-02-05)

Add sorted in python expressions

1.3.1 (2018-01-31)

Add more tests
Documentation update
play_json fixture no more assumes that you
have some pytest-variables settings.
No more mandatory
fix include scenario bug that occurs only
on Windows (slash vs backslash and
JSON decoding issues)

1.3.0 (2018-01-22)

documentation improvements
supports teardown callbacks

1.2.0 (2018-01-22)

implement python based commands in pytest-play and
deprecates play_python.
So this feature is a drop-in replacement for the
play-python plugin.
You should no more install play_python since now.

update documentation
deprecate selenium commands (they will be implemented
on a separate plugin and dropped in
pytest-play >= 2.0.0). All your previous scripts
will work fine, this warning is just for people
directly importing the provider for some reason.
implement skip conditions. You can omit the execution of
any command evaluating a Python based skip condition

1.1.0 (2018-01-16)

Documentation updated (add new pytest play plugins)
Support default payloads for command providers. Useful
for HTTP authentication headers, common database settings

1.0.0 (2018-01-10)

execute command accepts kwargs now
execute command returns the command value now
complete refactor of include provider (no
backwards compatibility)
add play_json.get_file_contents and removed
data_getter fixture (no backwards compatibility)

0.3.1 (2018-01-04)

play engine now logs commands to be executed and errors

0.3.0 (2018-01-04)

you are able to update variables when executing commands
you can extend pytest-play with new pluggable commands coming
from third party packages thanks to setuptools entrypoints

0.2.0 (2018-01-02)

no more open browser by default
pytest-play is a generic test engine and it could be used for non UI tests too.
So there is no need to open the browser for non UI tests (eg: API tests)

0.1.0 (2017-12-22)

implement reusable steps (include scenario)
minor documentation changes

0.0.1 (2017-12-20)

First release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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