pytest-travis-fold 1.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pytesttravisfold 1.3.0

Pytest plugin that folds captured output sections in Travis CI build log.

In addition, pytest-travis-fold recognizes presence of the pytest-cov plugin
and folds coverage reports accordingly.

Installation and Usage
Just install the pytest-travis-fold package as part of your build.
When using tox, add the package to the deps list in your tox.ini
and make sure the TRAVIS environment variable is passed:
deps =
passenv = TRAVIS
If you don’t use tox and invoke py.test directly from .travis.yml,
you may install the package as an additional install step:
- pip install -e .
- pip install pytest-travis-fold

script: py.test
Output folding is enabled automatically when running inside Travis CI. It is OK
to have the plugin installed also in your dev environment: it is only activated
by checking the presence of the TRAVIS environmental variable, unless the
--travis-fold command line switch is used.

The travis fixture
The plugin by itself only makes the captured output sections appear folded.
If you wish to make the same thing with arbitrary lines, you can do it manually
by using the travis fixture.
It is possible to fold the output of a certain code block using the
travis.folding_output() context manager:
def test_something(travis):
with travis.folding_output():
print('Lines, lines, lines...')
print('Lots of them!')
Or you may want to use lower-level travis.fold_string() and
travis.fold_lines() functions and then output the result as usual.

Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure
the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, “pytest-travis-fold” is free and open source software

If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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