python-extracontext 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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pythonextracontext 1.0.0

Extracontext: Context Local Variables for everyone
Provides PEP 567
compliant drop-in replacement for threading.local
The main goal of PEP 567, supersedding PEP 550
is to create a way to preserve information in
concurrent running contexts, including multithreading
and asynchronous (asyncio) tasks, allowing
each call stack to have its own versions of
variables containing settings, or request
Quoting from PEP 567 Rationalle:

Thread-local variables are insufficient for asynchronous
tasks that execute concurrently in the same OS thread.
Any context manager that saves and restores a context
value using threading.local() will have its context values
bleed to other code unexpectedly when used in async/await code.

Rationale for "extracontext"
Contextcars, introduced in Python 3.7, were
implemented following a design decision by the
which opted-out of the namespace approach
used by Python's own threading.local
implementation. It then requires an explicit top level
declaration of each context-local variable, and
the (rather "unpythonic") usage of an explicit
call to get and set methods to manipulate
those. Also, the only way to run some code in
an isolated context copy is to call a function
indirectly through means of the context object .run method.
This implies that:

Knowing when to run something in a different context is responsability of the caller code
Breaks the easy-to-use, easy-to-read, aesthetics, and overal complicates one of the most fundamental blocks of programming in inperative languages: calling functions.

This package does away with that, and brings simplicity
back, using dotted attributes to a namespace and =
for value assigment:
with stdlib native contexvars:
import contextvars

# Variable declaration: top level declaration and WET (write everything twice)
ctx_color = contextvars.ContextVar("ctx_color")
ctx_font = contextvars.ContextVar("ctx_font")

def blah():
# use a set method:

myttext = ...
# call a markup render function,
# but take care it wont mix our attributes in temporary context changes
contextvars.context_copy().run(render_markup, mytext))

def render_markup(text):
# markup function: knows it will mess up the context, but can't do
# a thing about it - the caller has to take care!

with extracontext:
import extracontext

# the only declaration needed at top level code
ctx = extracontext.ContextLocal()

def blah():
ctx.color = "red"
ctx.font = "arial"

mytext = ...
# simply calls the function

def render_markup(text):
# we will mess the context - but the decorator
# ensures no changes leak back to the caller

simply instantiate a ContextLocal namespace,
and any attributes set in that namespace will be unique
per thread and per asynchronous call chain (i.e.
unique for each independent task).
In a sense, these are a drop-in replacement for
threading.local, which will also work for
asynchronous programming without any change in code.
One should just avoid creating the "ContextLocal" instance itself
in a non-setup function or method - as the implementation
uses Python contextvars in by default, those are not
cleaned-up along with the local scope where they are
created - check the docs on the contextvar module for more
However, creating the actual variables to use inside this namespace
can be made local to functions or methods: the same inner
ContextVar instance will be re-used when re-entering the function
Create one or more project-wide instances of "extracontext.ContextLocal"
Decorate your functions, co-routines, worker-methods and generators
that should hold their own states with that instance itself, using it as a decorator
and use the instance as namespace for private variables that will be local
and non-local until entering another callable decorated
with the instance itself - that will create a new, separated scope
visible inside the decorated callable.
from extracontext import ContextLocal

# global namespace, available in any thread or async task:
ctx = ContextLocal()

def myworker():
# value set only visible in the current thread or asyncio task:
ctx.value = "test"

More Features:
extracontext namespaces work for generators
Unlike PEP 567 contextvars, extracontext
will sucessfully isolate contexts whe used with
generator-functions - meaning,
the generator body is actually executed in
an isolated context:
Example showing context separation for concurrent generators:
from extracontext import ContextLocal

ctx = ContextLocal()

results = []
def contexted_generator(value):
ctx.value = value
yield None

def runner():
generators = [contexted_generator(i) for i in range(10)]
any(next(gen) for gen in generators)
any(next(gen, None) for gen in generators)
assert results == list(range(10))

This is virtually impossible with contextvars. (Ok,
not impossible - the default extracontext backend
does that using contextvars after all - but it encapsulates
the complications for you)
This feature also works with async generators`
Another example of this feature:
import extracontext
ctx = extracontext.ContextLocal()
def isolatedgen(n):
for i in range(n):
ctx.myvar = i
yield i
print (ctx.myvar)
def test():
ctx.myvar = "lambs"
for j in isolatedgen(2):
ctx.myvar = "wolves"

In [11]: test()

Change context within a context-manager with block:
ContextLocal namespaces can also be isolated by context-manager blocks (with statement):
from extracontext import ContextLocal

def with_block_example():

ctx = ContextLocal()
ctx.value = 1
with ctx:
ctx.value = 2
assert ctx.value == 2

assert ctx.value == 1

Map namespaces
Beyond namespace usages, extracontext offer ways
to have contexts working as mutable mappings,
using the ContextMap class.
from extracontext import ContextMap

# global namespace, available in any thread or async task:
ctx = ContextMap()

def myworker():
# value set only visible in the current thread or asyncio task:
ctx["value"] = "test"

typing support
There is no explicit typing support yet - but note that through the use of
ContextMap it is possible to have declare some types, by
simple declaring Mapping[type1:type2] typing.
Specification and Implementation
ContextLocal is the main class, and should suffice for most uses.
It only takes the backend keyword-only argument, which selects
the usage of the pure-Python backend ("python") or using
a contextvars.ContextVar backend ("native"). The later is the default
behavior. Calling this class will actually create
an instance of the appropriate subclass, according to
the backend: either PyContextLocal or NativeContextLocal -
in the same way stdlib pathlib.Path creates
an instance of Path appropriate for Posix, or Windows style
paths. (This pattern probably have a name - help welcome).
An instance of it will create a new, fresh, namespace.
Use dotted attribute access to populate it - each variable set
in this way will persist through the context lifetime.
Usage as a decorator:
When used as a decorator for a function or method, that callable
will automatically be executed in a copy of the calling context -
meaning no changes it makes to any variable in the namespace
is visible outside of the call.
The decorator (and the isolation provided) works for
both plain functions, generator functions, co-routine functions
and async generator functions - meaning that whenever the
execution switches to the caller context
(in yield or await expression) the context is
restored to that of the caller, and when it
re-enters the paused code block, the isolated
context is restored.
from extracontext import ContextLocal

ctx = ContextLocal()

def isolated_example():

ctx.value = 2
assert ctx.value = 2

ctx.value = 1
assert ctx.value == 1

Usage as a context manager
A ContextLocal instance can simply be used in a
context manager with statement, and any variables
set or changed within the block will not be
persisted after the block is over.
from extracontext import ContextLocal

def with_block_example():

ctx = ContextLocal()
ctx.value = 1
with ctx:
ctx.value = 2
assert ctx.value == 2

assert ctx.value == 1

Also, they are re-entrant, so if in a function called
within the block, the context is used again
as a context manager, it will just work.
Semantic difference to contextvars.ContextVar
Note that a fresh ContextLocal() instance will
be empty, and have access to none of the values or names
set in another instance. This contrasts sharply with
contextvars.Context, for which each contextvars.ContextVar
created anywhere else in the program (even 3rd party
modules) is a valid key.
ContextLocal implementation using pure Python code, and
reimplementing the functionalities of Contexts and ContextVars
as implemented by PEP 567 fro scratch.
It works by seeting, in a "hidden" way, values in the caller's
closure (the locals() namespace). Though writting
to this namespace has traditionally been a "grey area"
in Python, the way it makes use of this data is compliant
with the specs in PEP-558
which officializes this use for Python 3.13 and beyond
(and it has always worked since Python 3.0.
The first implementations of this code where
tested against Python 3.4 and forward)
It should be kept in place for the time being,
and could be useful to allow customizations,
workarounds, or buggy behavior bypassing
where the native implementation presents
any short-commings.
It is not an easy to follow code, as in
one hand there are introspection and meta-programming
patterns to handle access to the data in a containirized way.
Keep in mind that native contexvars use an
internal copy-on-write structure in native code
which should be much more performant than
the chain-mapping checks used in this backend.
It has been throughfully tested and should be bug free,
though less performant.
This leverages on PEP 567 Contexts and ContextVars
to perform all the isolation and setting mechanics,
and provides an convenient wrapper layer
which works as a namespace (and as mapping in NativeContextMap)
It was made the default mechanism due to obvious
performances and updates taking place in the
embedded implementation in the language.
The normal ContextVarsAPI exposed to Python
would not allow for changing context inside the
same function, requiring a call
as the only way to switch contexts. Instead of releasing this
backend without this mechanism, it has been opted
to call the native cAPI for changing
context (using ctypes in cPython, and the relevant internal
calls on pypy) so that the feature can work.
When this feature was implemented, NativeContextLocal
instances could then work as a context-manager using
the with statement, and there were no reasons why
they should not be the default backend. Some
coding effort were placed in the "Reverse subclass picking"
mechanism, and it was made te default in a backwards-
compatible way.
ContextMap is a ContextLocal subclass which implements
the MutableMapping interface.
It is pretty straightforward in
that, so that assigments and retrievals using the ctx["key"]
syntax are made available, functionality with the
in, ==, != operators and the keys, items, values, get, pop, popitem, clear, update, and setdefault methods.
It supports loadding a mapping with the initial context contents, passed as
the initial positional argument - but not keyword-args mapping to initial
content (as in dict(a=1)).
Also, it is a subclass of ContextLocal - so it also allows access to the
keys with the dotted attribute syntax:
a = extracontext.ContextMap

a["b"] = 1

assert a.b == 1

And finally, it uses the same backend keyword-arg mechanism to switch between the default
native-context vars backend and the pure Python backend, which will yield either
a PyContextMap or a NativeContextMap instance, accordingly.
ContextMap implementation as a subclass of PyContextLocal
ContextMap implementation as a subclass of NativeContextLocal
The original implementation from 2019 re-creates
all the functionality provided by the PEP 567
contextvars using pure Python code and a lot
of introspection and meta-programming.
Not sure why it did that - but one thing is that
it coud provide the functionality for older
Pythons at the time, and possibly also because
I did not see, at the time, other ways
to workaround the need to call a function
in order to switch contexts.
At some revival sprint in 2021, a backend
using native contextvars was created -
and it just got to completion,
with all features and tests for the edge clases in
August 2024, after other periods of non-activity.
At this point, a mechanism for picking the
desired backend was implemented, and the native
ContextLocal class was switched to use the
native stdlib contextvars as backend by default.
(This should be much faster - benchmark
contributions are welcome, though :-) )
New for 1.0
Switch the backend to use native Python contextvars (exposed in
the stdlib "contextvars" module by default.
Up to the update in July/Aug 2024 the core package functionality
was provided by a pure Python implementation which keeps context state
in a hidden frame-local variables - while that is throughfully tested
it performs a linear lookup in all the callchain for the context namespace.
For the 0.3 release, the "native" stdlib contextvars.ContextVar backed class,
has reached first class status, and is now the default method used.
The extracontext.NativeContextLocal class builds on Python's contextvars
instead of reimplementing all the functionality from scratch, and makes
simple namespaces and decorator-based scope isolation just work, with
all the safety and performance of the Python native implementation,
with none of the boilerplate or confuse API.
Next Steps

Implementing more of the features possible with the contextvars semantics

.run and .copy methods
direct access to "Token"s as used by contextvars
default value setting for variables

A feature allowing other threads to start from a copy of the current context, instead of an empty context. (asyncio independent tasks always see a copy)

Bringing in some more typing support
(not sure what will be possible, but I believe some
typing.Protocol templates at least. On an
initial search, typing for namespaces is not
a widelly known feature (if at all)

(maybe?) Proper multiprocessing support:

ironing out probable serialization issues,
allowing subprocess workers to start from a copy of the current context.

(maybe?) support for nested namespaces and maps.

Old "Next Steps":

(not so sure about these - they are fruit of some 2019 brainstorming for
features in a project I am not coding for anymore)

Add a way to chain-contexts, so, for example
and app can have a root context with default values

Describe the capabilities of each Context class clearly in a data-scheme,
so one gets to know, and how to retrieve classes that can behave like maps, or
allow/hide outter context values, work as a full stack, support the context protocol (with command),
etc... (this is more pressing since stlib contextvar backed Context classes will
not allow for some of the capabilities in the pure-Python reimplementation in "ContextLocal")

Add a way to merge wrappers for different ContextLocal instances on the same function

Add an "auto" flag - all called functions/generators/co-routines create a child context by default.

Add support for a descriptor-like variable slot - so that values can trigger code when set or retrieved

Shared values and locks: values that are guarranteed to be the same across tasks/threads, and a lock mechanism allowing atomic operations with these values.


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