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py3to2 2009.01.03
this project is being superseded by asciiporn at http://code.google.com/p/asciiporn/
kai zhu
[email protected]
- posix/unix os (Windows currently unsupported)
- w/ python2.6 & python3.0 installed
python2.6setup.pybuild python2.6 setup.py install
python2.6setup.pydev−−quicktest python2.6 setup.py dev --py2to3test ## takes awhile to finish
the above will build & install 3 files:
- extended python2.6 interpreter: bin/py3to2
- initialization script: lib/python2.6/site-packages/py3to2_init.py
- python3.0 bytecode compiler: lib/python2.6/site-packages/py3to2.py
py3to2 is a python2.6 interpreter w/ extended python3.0 opcodes, allowing it to
natively run python3.0 & 2to3 generated scripts. it should b
mostly backwards-compatible w/ cpython2.6 & its extensions.
the intended purpose is to allow developers to migrate python2.6 scripts to
python3.0 while retaining backwards compatibility w/ existing extension modules.
py3to2 coexists w/ ur existing python2.6 installation (it consists of 3 files)
for a real-world py3to2 app (python3.0 script using 2.6 extension modules),
checkout asciiporn: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/asciiporn
py3to2 has 3 components:
- py3to2
python interpreter. can evaluate python2.6 bytecode containing additional
python3.0 opcode instructions
- py3to2_init.py
initialization script. sets up import hook for recognizing python3.0 scripts
- py3to2.py
bytecode compiler. the compile process takes 2 steps:
- a persistent python3.0 process is created for compiling scripts into
python3.0 code
- py3to2.py then converts the code from python3.0 to python2.6 format
./patch/ - patched files
./py3to2.diff - summary of patches (maybe out-of-date)
simply add the MAGIC LINE:
from __future__ import py3k_syntax
to make py3to2 aware that a script is using python3.0 syntax
py3to2 supports ".." syntax notation for pseudomethods
goto: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pseudomethod
for more details about this feature
py3to2 includes convenience functions for automatically generating & testing scripts using 2to3:
- class py2to3:
- __call__ - overwrites file w/ one generated by 2to3
- overwrite_and_load_module - overwrites file & then attempt to import it
- test_stdlib - given a directory containing a copy of python2.6's
standard library, it will overwrite them using 2to3 & then
attempts to load each file
API: try help(py3to2) ^_-
py3to2 module:
- class codetree - mutable codeobj & disassembler/assembler/debugger
- class compiler - compiling tools
- python3.0 wrappers:
- py3k_compile() - compile python3.0 src
- py3k_eval() - eval py3thon3.0 src
- py3k_exec() - exec python3.0 src
start up the py3to2 interpreter by typing "py3to2" in ur shell:
You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode python setup.py dev --maketest
test test_sys failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../Python-2.6/Lib/test/test_sys.py", line 487, in test_objecttypes
check(get_cell().func_code, size(h + '4i8Pi2P'))
File ".../Python-2.6/Lib/test/test_sys.py", line 423, in check_sizeof
self.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
AssertionError: wrong size for <type 'code'>: got 128, expected 120
325 tests OK.
1 test failed:
35 tests skipped:
test_aepack test_al test_applesingle test_bsddb185 test_bsddb3
test_cd test_cl test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk
test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses
test_gdbm test_gl test_imgfile test_kqueue test_linuxaudiodev
test_macos test_macostools test_normalization test_ossaudiodev
test_pep277 test_py3kwarn test_scriptpackages test_socketserver
test_startfile test_sunaudiodev test_tcl test_timeout
test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound
2 skips unexpected on linux2:
test_tcl test_gdbm
$ python setup.py dev --py2to3test
tested 200 2to3 generated scripts from 2.6.1.py3to2 (r261:67515, Jan 4 2009,
[GCC 4.2.3 20071123 (prerelease) (Debian 4.2.2-4)] standard library
0 skipped:
28 couldn't import required modules:
BaseHTTPServer CGIHTTPServer cgi cookielib copy DocXMLRPCServer
dummy_threading HTMLParser httplib _LWPCookieJar macurl2path mimetools mimetypes
_MozillaCookieJar os pdb pickle pydoc re robotparser sgmllib SimpleHTTPServer
SimpleXMLRPCServer _strptime tempfile threading urllib2 urllib
6 were non-utf8 compliant scripts:
base64 getopt heapq shlex smtpd tarfile
8 failed import due to other reasons:
anydbm dbhash doctest imputil sets trace UserList UserString
159 passed import:
_abcoll abc aifc ast asynchat asyncore atexit audiodev Bastion bdb binhex
bisect calendar cgitb chunk cmd codecs codeop code collections colorsys commands
compileall ConfigParser contextlib Cookie copy_reg cProfile csv decimal difflib
dircache dis dumbdbm dummy_thread filecmp fileinput fnmatch formatter fpformat
fractions ftplib functools __future__ genericpath getpass gettext glob gzip
hashlib hmac htmlentitydefs htmllib ihooks imaplib imghdr inspect io keyword
linecache locale macpath mailbox mailcap markupbase md5 mhlib MimeWriter mimify
modulefinder multifile mutex netrc new nntplib ntpath nturl2path numbers opcode
optparse os2emxpath __phello__.foo pickletools pipes pkgutil platform plistlib
popen2 poplib posixfile posixpath pprint profile pstats pty pyclbr py_compile
pydoc_topics Queue quopri random repr rexec rfc822 rlcompleter runpy sched sha
shelve shutil site smtplib sndhdr socket SocketServer sre_compile sre_constants
sre_parse sre ssl stat statvfs StringIO stringold stringprep string struct
subprocess sunaudio sunau symbol symtable tabnanny telnetlib textwrap this
_threading_local timeit toaiff tokenize token traceback tty types unittest
urlparse UserDict user uuid uu warnings wave weakref webbrowser whichdb xdrlib
xmllib xmlrpclib zipfile
20090103 updated to python 2.6.1
20081129 - major revision
PyCodeObject now has kwonlyargcount attr
- breaks one regression test but greatly simplifies patch & prevents many
future bugs
- fixes pydoc bug
PyFunctionObject now has __kwdefaults__ & __annotations__ attr
ceval.c re-patched in light of above changes (much simpler)
more documentation
added 2to3 convenience functions
added unicode utf-8 support
moved pseudomethod syntax handling to py3k server
added more checks during setup
added more documentation
backported patch r67299 fixing an issue w/ super()
cleaned up py3to2.compiler class
fixed package importing bug - py3to2 failed to import foo.bar
created self-installing distutils distribution
ported to python-2.6
consolidate & simplify patches to 1 file: ceval.c
created extension module builtins_py3k
revamped import hook again
removed unicode support & restrict source code to ascii-only
revampled import hook
consolidate patches to 2 files: bltinmodule.c & ceval.c
add kwonlyargcount 'attr' to codeobj
add __annotations__ & __kwdefaults__ attr to funcobj
add __pseudomethod__ feature to baseobj
pure python import hook - removed magic comment & use magic path instead
revamped str & bytes handling
revamped py3k .pyc file handling
pep3135 New Super
pep3107 Function Annotations
pep3120 Using UTF-8 as the default source encoding
pep3131 Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers
import / reload works transparently on py3k scripts using a magic comment
added pep3102 Keyword-Only Arguments
20080709 added a py3k preparser
rewrote py3k server's pipe io. implemented partial bytearray & bytes class.
wrote a few simple tests
__build_class__ function to bltmodule.c. tested class decorators to b
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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