pytronlinks 0.3.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pytronlinks 0.3.9

Interface with your Links AI and send commands from within your Python scripts. Send requests through Links Web Service
from any computer you want! Most of Links built in functions can be accessed by name with more being added all the time.
If you have any requests feel free to let me know on github under issues. You can report bugs there as well. Have fun!

Links: ( Free Windows AI Software )

-Changelog at bottom of page under Updates-


install LINKS ( )
pip install pytronlinks –upgrade
Full command list

Initialize main Client with default or custom parameters.

param port:
Port that links is listening on.

param key:
Links web key.

param ip:
ip of computer with links.

param path:
If you installed links in a different location.


import pytronlinks as Pytron

AI = Pytron.Client()

Make Links speak!
import pytronlinks as Pytron

TEXT = ('MVC Rocks!')

AI = Pytron.Client()

Emulate speech to Links
Will call the command as if you had spoken to links directly.
import pytronlinks as Pytron

TEXT = ('what is the weather like')

AI = Pytron.Client()
AI.emulate_speech("stop talking")

Run custom action command
Anything you can put in Links Action bar, you can put in here! See example.
import pytronlinks as Pytron

AI = Pytron.Client()

AI.custom(r'[Set("Last Subject", "pytron is the coolest")]')
AI.custom(r'[Speak("[Get("Last Subject")]")]')

Get a list of all available commands
Returns a list of all callable commands.
Coming soon
‘Use with write_commands_to_file to create a file containing all the available grammars to use as a reference.’
import pytronlinks as Pytron

AI = Pytron.Client()

grammars = AI.GetGrammarList()
for commands in grammars:
print commands

Get confirmation
Get confirmation before executing commands. Additional parameters not shown in example.

param trigger_var:
Variable in UserVariable.xml to be used for Confirmation ( Default Variable used: “Answer” )

param confirm:
Confirmation speech ( Ex: “Are you sure you want to play music?” )

param on_yes:
Speech response if answer is “yes”

param on_no:
Speech response if answer is “no”

import pytronlinks as Pytron # Import Pytron
**Make a command in links social tab like this**
Command: {response=test_confirm}
Response: [Set("Answer", {{response}})]
Profile: Main

**And add this wordlist to the wordlist folder.**
yes or no answers clean response
yes; yes please; affirmative; do it; go ahead; okay; sure; yup yes
no; dont; stop; no i didnt; nope; no thank you; no thanks no


AI = Pytron.Client()
query = AI.listen('Pytron') # Stars listening for input from Links

if query == 'quit':

if query == "Play music":
# Get confirmation returns True or False so it can be checked directly, like this..
if AI.GetConfirmation(confirm="Do you want to play music?"):
AI.emulate_speech('play music')

Put script into listen mode
Listens for user input by watching a variable in the UserVariables.xml file ( ‘Pytron’ by default ). The variable is
set using the [Set(“variable”, “value”)] command in links. See Example
import pytronlinks
**Make a command in links social tab like this**
Command: Links {speech=test_dictation}
Response: [Set("Pytron", {speech})]
Profile: Main

And use the dictation in Pytron with the script below.. ( Ctrl-c to quit )

import pytronlinks as Pytron

AI = Pytron.Client()

def main():
dictation = AI.listen()
if dictation == 'quit':

while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Loquendo Function
Sends a ‘Loquendo by Nuance’ speech command ( requires Nuance Loquendo voices )

param text:
Text to be spoken ( with all the syntax they use, better make it raw, ie: r’text’ )

param volume:
Volume 0 - 100

param rate:
Rate of speech 0 - 100 ( 50 is default )

param ai_name:
Name of tts Voice ( case sensitive )


import pytronlinks as Pytron

ai.LoqSpeak("I am an example","100","50","Simon")]


New features!

Changelog- v.0.3.9

Fixed some troublesome local variables.

Changelog- v.0.3.8

Brought back urllib. Standard library is all we need.
Tweaked Client a bit.

Changelog- v.0.3.7

Fixed error on Client initialization
Cleaned up readme a bit

Changelog- v.0.3.6

Tweaked CallCommand function. Now returns the response from Links
Docstrings added for new functions
Shelved urllib in exchange for the Requests library
Add GetGrammarList function
write_commands_to_file function added ( Needs de-bugging )

Changelog- v.0.3.5

Fixed Listen() function
Added more functions ( No docstrings yet, tsk tsk traBpUkciP)

Changelog- v.0.3.3

Added rest of Docstrings
Created documentation using Sphinx

Changelog- v.0.3.2

Better error response handling in _get_request() ( uses ast standard library module )
Optimized _get_xml() & _clear_xml() ( Thanks Zunair )
Fixed Get() function ( typo in url )

Changelog- v.0.3.1

Added XML support for access to Links UserVariables.xml file
Added more function wrappers - [Get(“”)], [Set(“”, “”)]

Changelog- v.0.2.1

Added APPDATA as default path to LINKS Install ( ai = pytronlinks.Client() )
Added ‘Loquendo by Nuance’ function wrapper
Added a bunch of other LINKS function as well ( check the README )
Adding get json response verification ( Adding type of response as parameter )
Added custom function parser

Scott Doucet / aka: traBpUkciP / aka: Duroktar /


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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