pyvalitron 1.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

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pyvalitron 1.1.3

PyValitron is a light-weight python inputs validation library.

To install PyValitron run this command:
pip3 install pyvalitron

After installing the library, Read the following usage criteria:
Validate Values:
To validate a list of values:
from pyvalitron.form import Form

form = Form({
'test_field1': {
'value': 'Hello World',
'validate': {
'length_between': {
'param': [1, 12],
'error': 'Input lenght must be between 1 and 12 characters'
'test_field2': {
'value': 'Hello World',
'validate': {
'length_between': {
'param': [1, 9],
'error': 'Input lenght must be between 1 and 9 characters'
errors = form.get_errors()
print(errors['test_field2']) # Input lenght must be between 1 and 9 characters

Sanitize Values:
To sanitize a list of values:
from __future__ import print_function
from pyvalitron.form import Form

form = Form({
'test_field': {
'value': 'Hello& W"or"ld<br>.',
'sanitize': {
'escape': {}
inputs = form.get_inputs()
print(inputs['test_field']) # {'is_exact': False, 'svalue': 'Hello&amp; W&quot;or&quot;ld&lt;br&gt;.', 'sanitize': {'escape': {}}, 'value': 'Hello& W"or"ld<br>.'}
print(inputs['test_field']['is_exact']) # False
print(inputs['test_field']['svalue']) # Hello&amp; W&quot;or&quot;ld&lt;br&gt;.
print(inputs['test_field']['value']) # Hello& W"or"ld<br>.

from __future__ import print_function
from pyvalitron.form import Form

form = Form({
'test_field': {
'value': 'Hello World.',
'sanitize': {
'escape': {}
inputs = form.get_inputs()
print(inputs['test_field']) # {'is_exact': True, 'svalue': 'Hello World.', 'sanitize': {'escape': {}}, 'value': 'Hello World.'}
print(inputs['test_field']['is_exact']) # True
print(inputs['test_field']['svalue']) # Hello World.
print(inputs['test_field']['value']) # Hello World.

Validate & Sanitize Values:
To validate and sanitize a list of values:
from __future__ import print_function
from pyvalitron.form import Form

form = Form({
'test_field': {
'value': '',
'sanitize': {
'escape': {}
'validate': {
'email': {
'error': 'Please provide a valid email.'
inputs = form.get_inputs()
errors = form.get_errors()
print(errors) # {'test_field': []}
print(errors['test_field']) # []
print(inputs['test_field']) # {'status': True, 'is_exact': True, 'value': '', 'sanitize': {'escape': {}}, 'svalue': '', 'validate': {'email': {'error': 'Please provide a valid email.'}}}
print(inputs['test_field']['status']) # True
print(inputs['test_field']['is_exact']) # True
print(inputs['test_field']['value']) #
print(inputs['test_field']['svalue']) #

from __future__ import print_function
from pyvalitron.form import Form

form = Form({
'test_field': {
'value': '',
'sanitize': {
'escape': {}
'validate': {
'email': {
'error': 'Please provide a valid email.'
inputs = form.get_inputs()
errors = form.get_errors()
print(errors) # {'test_field': ['Please provide a valid email.']}
print(errors['test_field']) # ['Please provide a valid email.']
print(inputs['test_field']) # {'status': False, 'is_exact': True, 'value': '', 'sanitize': {'escape': {}}, 'svalue': '', 'validate': {'email': {'error': 'Please provide a valid email.'}}}
print(inputs['test_field']['status']) # False
print(inputs['test_field']['is_exact']) # True
print(inputs['test_field']['value']) #
print(inputs['test_field']['svalue']) #

Using With Frameworks:
Flask Framework
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from pyvalitron.form import Form

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
form = Form({
'test_field1': {
'value': request.args.get('test_field1'),
'validate': {
'length_between': {
'param': [1, 12],
'error': 'Input lenght must be between 1 and 12 characters'
'test_field2': {
'value': request.args.get('test_field2'),
'validate': {
'length_between': {
'param': [1, 9],
'error': 'Input lenght must be between 1 and 9 characters'
}, 'values')
errors = form.get_errors()
if 'Input lenght must be between 1 and 9 characters' in errors['test_field2']:
return 'error'
return 'success'

if __name__ == "__main__":

Validators List:
Here is a list of all available validators:

empty: Validate if input or a value is empty.
not_empty: Validate if input or a value is not empty.
length_between: Validate if input or a value length is between provided lengths. It requires two parameters [from_length, to_length] like [1, 13].
min_length: Validate if input or a value min lenght is like provided one. It requires one parameter [min_length] like [1].
max_length: Validate if input or a value max lenght is like provided one. It requires one parameter [max_length] like [12].
exact_length: Validate if input or a value lenght is equal to provided one. It requires one parameter [exact_length] like [9].
greater_than: Validate if input or a value is greater than provided one. It requires one parameter [number] like [5].
greater_than_equal: Validate if input or a value is greater than or equal provided one. It requires one parameter [number] like [4].
less_than: Validate if input or a value is less than provided one. It requires one parameter [number] like [5].
less_than_equal: Validate if input or a value is less than or equal provided one. It requires one parameter [number] like [5].
equal: Validate if input or a value is equal to provided one. It requires one parameter [number] like [5].
same_as: Validate if input or a value is same as provided one. It requires one parameter [text] like ['Hello World']
any_of: Validate if input or a value is any of the provided list. It requires one parameter [[options]] like [1,5,'text'].
all_of: Validate if input or a value is all of the provided list. It requires one parameter [[options]] like [1,5,'text'].
none_of: Validate if input or a value is none of the provided list. It requires one parameter [[options]] like [1,5,'text'].
alpha: Validate if input or a value is alphabetical.
alpha_numeric: Validate if input or a value is alphanumeric.
digit: Validate if input or a value is digits.
email: Validate if input or a value is email.
emails: Validate if input or a value is a list of emails. It requires one parameter [separator] like [','].
url: Validate if input or a value is a URL. It requires one parameter (a list of protocols) [[protocols]] like [['http', 'https']].
ip: Validate if input or a value is IP. It requires one parameter (a list of formats) [[formats]] like ['ipv4']
ipv4: Validate if input or a value is IPv4.
uuid: Validate if input or a value is universally unique identifier (UUID)
matches: Validate if input or a value matches provided regex. It requires one parameter [regex] like [r'^[_a-z0-9-]+$'].

Sanitizers List
Here is a list of all available sanitizers:

strip: Strip the input value. It accepts one parameter [[chars]] like [[',', '.', '\s']].
lstrip: Left strip the input value. It accepts one parameter [[chars]] like [[',', '.', '\s']].
rstrip: Right strip the input value. It accepts one parameter [[chars]] like [[',', '.', '\s']].
escape: Escape the input value to prevent evil scripts. It accepts one parameter (a list of chars to escape). currently it support these characters ['&', '"', '\'', '>', '<'].

Custom Validators
To define a new validator:
from pyvalitron.validator import Validator
from pyvalitron.form import Form

class MyValidator(Validator):

def username(self):
if not isinstance(self._input, (str)):
return False
current_input = self._input.strip()
if len(current_input) > 5 and current_input.isalpha():
return True
return False

def otherrule(self):
return True

#...and so one

form = Form()
'user_name': {
'value': '',
'validate': {
'username': {
'error': 'Invalid Username'
errors = form.get_errors() #{'user_name': ['Invalid Username']}

Custom Sanitizers
To define a new sanitizer:
from __future__ import print_function
from pyvalitron.sanitizer import Sanitizer
from pyvalitron.form import Form

class MySanitizer(Sanitizer):

def clear_spaces(self):
if not isinstance(self._input, (str)):
self._sinput = str(self._input)
self._sinput = self._input

self._sinput = self._sinput.replace(" ", "")
return self._sinput

def lower_case(self):
if not isinstance(self._input, (str)):
self._sinput = str(self._input)
self._sinput = self._input
self._sinput = self._sinput.lower()
return self._sinput

form = Form({
'test_field': {
'value': 'Hello World',
'sanitize': {
'lower_case': {}
}, 'values')
inputs = form.get_inputs()
print(inputs['test_field']['svalue']) #helloworld

Version 1.1.3:
Fix issue with validation extensions.

Version 1.1.2:
Fix import issues.

Version 1.1.1:
New Validation Rules.
Add python lint check.

Version 1.0.0:
Initial Release.

© 2019, Silverback. Released under MIT License.
PyValitron is authored and maintained by @silverbackhq.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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