pyvguicom 1.3.3

Creator: bradpython12

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pyvguicom 1.3.3

pyvguicom PyV GUI Common utilities
Common GUI routines and classes
These classes are for python PyGobject (Gtk) development. They are used in
several projects. They act as a simplification front end for the PyGtk / PyGobject
A sampler of what is in there (pasted from code, in no particular order):
class CairoHelper():
class TextTable(Gtk.Table):
class TextRow(Gtk.HBox):
class RadioGroup(Gtk.Frame):
class Led(Gtk.DrawingArea):
class SeparatorMenuItem(Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem):
class Menu():
class MenuButt(Gtk.DrawingArea):
class Lights(Gtk.Frame):
class WideButt(Gtk.Button):
class ScrollListBox(Gtk.Frame):
class FrameTextView(Gtk.TextView):
class Label(Gtk.Label):
class Logo(Gtk.VBox):
class xSpacer(Gtk.HBox):
class ListBox(Gtk.TreeView):

... and a lot more ...

Also includes Some Python / Gtk primitives:
def get_screen_wh():
def get_screen_xy():
def print_exception(xstr):
def message(strx, parent = None, title = None, icon = Gtk.MessageType.INFO):
def usleep(msec):
def tmpname(indir, template):
def mainloop():
def time_n2s(ttt):
def time_s2n(sss):
def yes_no_cancel(title, message, cancel = True, parent = None):
def yn_key(win, event, cancel):
def opendialog(parent=None):
def savedialog(resp):
def leadspace(strx):

... and a lot more ...

The Label Button (SmallButt) takes a constructor, and feeds
the arguments with defaults as one would expect.
def __init__(self, textm="", widget=None, tooltip=None, font=None):

The simplification effect allows one to create a Label Button with no arguments,
and still have a somewhat reasonable outcome. The label example is trivial,
the simplification takes a new dimension with classes like SimpleTree.
The defaults are set to a reasonable value, and the named argument(s) can be
set on one line. This makes the code look more compact and maintainable.
The test utilities can confirm correct operation; however being a visual
set of classes, the real test is seeing the generated UI.
The test utilities can also be found in the project install directory,
starting with the text* prefix.
See descendent projects for more examples. (pyedpro; pycal; pyvserv; ...)
Peter Glen
// EOF


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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