pywu 1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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pywu 1.1

pywu is a simple python script for fetching data from Weather
Underground’s API. You need an API key to use the script (get it

pywu is available on PyPI. You can
install it with pip:
pip3 install pywu
If installing from source run:
python3 build install

pywu [-h] [-v] [-f <min>] {fetch,current,forecast,info} ...
You must first fetch the data using the fetch command. This stores a
file in /tmp that contains the data. All other commands (current,
forecast, and info) read from this file.

Pull weather data from server. Use the format ‘<API key> <city>,<state>’
or simply your API key and zip code.
pywu fetch <apikey> 'New York,NY'
pywu fetch <apikey> 10001
You can also specify a language (the default is English). For example:
pywu fetch <apikey> <location> FR
A list of possible language codes can be found
Instead of the above, you may also use a ~/.pywu.conf file and simply
call pywu fetch. See below for more information.

Display current statistics. Possible commands:
pywu current condition
pywu current temp_f
pywu current temp_c
pywu current humidity
pywu current icon
pywu current wind
pywu current pressure_mb
pywu current pressure_in
pywu current dewpoint_c
pywu current dewpoint_f
pywu current heat_index_c
pywu current heat_index_f
pywu current windchill_c
pywu current windchill_f
pywu current feelslike_c
pywu current feelslike_f
pywu current visibility_mi
pywu current visibility_km
pywu current prec_hour_in
pywu current prec_hour_cm
pywu current prec_day_in
pywu current prec_day_cm

Display forecast statistics. Possible commands:
pywu forecast day
pywu forecast shortdate
pywu forecast longdate
pywu forecast low_f
pywu forecast low_c
pywu forecast high_f
pywu forecast high_c
pywu forecast icon
pywu forecast condition
pywu forecast rain_in
pywu forecast rain_mm
pywu forecast snow_in
pywu forecast snow_cm
You can also specify a day:
-d {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, --day {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Default is 0 (today).
pywu forecast condition --day 1

Display forecast information. Possible commands:
pywu info city
pywu info postal
pywu info datetime
pywu info location
pywu info country
pywu info latitude
pywu info longitude
pywu info elevation
pywu info observation

Verbose Output
pywu is designed to stay quiet instead of print information or errors.
This is so these messages will not appear when used with Conky. To
override this, specify the -v parameter:
pywu -v fetch

Fetching Inline
This requires a config file at ~/.pywu.conf. You can also fetch new
information at the same time as you print current/forecast information:
pywu --fetch <min> current condition
pywu -f <min> forecast condition -d 3
pywu will fetch new information if the current information is older than <min>.

Config file
pywu supports reading from a config file as well as passing your API
key/location via command line. A sample configuration:
location=New York City, NY
You can also specify a language within the config file:

pywu can be used with Conky. An example conkyrc is provided in the
examples directory. It’s recommended to have a script call
pywu fetch before conky starts and then periodcally from within the
conkyrc (the example shows every 15 minutes or 900 seconds).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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