pyxdu 1.0.1

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pyxdu 1.0.1

Pyxdu — display the output of "du" disk usage tool in a window.
Pyxdu is a Python port of "xdu", an X window disk usage utility. Pyxdu is a retro tool
that tries to follow the style of 1990s in its visual design.

Disk Usage
Show the disk usage in /usr in megabytes:
du -m /usr | pyxdu -n

It runs "du" to show disk usage for directory /usr in megabytes, pipes the output to

Lines of Code
Count the lines of code for all the Python files under the current directory:
find . -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l | grep -v total$ | pyxdu -n

It runs "find" to list all the files named "*.py" in the current directory, pipes the
output as the arguments of "wc" to count number of lines in each file (accounting
for spaces in file names), strips the line with the total amount of lines via "grep",
pipes the result to "pyxdu":

You can install pyxdu on Python 3.8 or newer using pip:
pip install pyxdu

The recommended way of installing pyxdu on macOS is via Homebrew
and pipx:
brew install python python-tk pipx
pipx install pyxdu

Pyxdu is a program for displaying a graphical tree of disk space utilization as
reported by the UNIX utility "du". The user can navigate through the tree structure and
change the order of the displayed information. The window is divided up into several
columns, each of which is one level deeper in the directory hierarchy (from left to
right). Boxes are drawn for each directory. The amount of vertical space occupied by
each box is directly proportional to the amount of disk space consumed by it and all of
its children. The name of each directory and the amount of data are displayed provided
that there is enough space within its box. Any space at the "bottom" of a box not
covered by its children to the right represents the space consumed by files in that
directory (as opposed to space from its children).
There are several command line options available.

-h --help

Show help message.


Don't display sizes. (not supported yet)


Sort in alphabetical order.


Sort in numerical order (the largest first).


Reverse sense of sort (e.g. -rn means the smallest first).

-c <num>

Display <num> columns [default: 6].

--foreground <color>

Determines the color of the text and lines. (not supported yet)

--background <color>

Determines the color of the background. (not supported yet)

--dump <file>

Dump tree as JSON for debugging.


Print traceback on exceptions.

Mouse Actions
The user can move up or down the tree by clicking the left mouse on a directory box. If
the left most box is selected, the display will move up one level (assuming you are not
already at the root). If any other box is selected, it will be placed against the left
edge of the window, and the display will be rescaled appropriately. At any time the
middle mouse will bring you back to the root. Clicking the right mouse will exit the
program. (not supported yet)

1-9, 0

Sets the number of columns in the display (0 = 10).


Alphabetical sort.


Numerical sort (the largest first).


First-in-first-out sort (this is the order the data was read into the program).


Last-in-first-out sort.


Reverse sense of sort.


Toggle size display. (not supported yet)


Display a popup help window. (not supported yet)


Display information about the current root node to standard out. The first line
shows the path within the tree, the total size from this node on down, and the
percentage that total represents of all the data given to xdu. Subsequent lines show
the size and name information for all children of this node in the order they are
currently sorted in. This allows tiny directories to be seen that otherwise could
not be labeled on the display, and also allows for cutting and pasting of the
information. (not supported yet)


Goto the root.

q, Escape

Exit the program.

Development requirements:

Python 3.8 or newer

Set up a development environment:
git clone
cd pyxdu
poetry install
poetry run pyxdu --help
du | poetry run pyxdu


Andrey Vlasovskikh

The original tool xdu was released by Phil Dykstra on 1991-09-04. The most recent
version xdu 3.0 was released on 1994-06-05.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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