qbt_migrate 2.3.2

Creator: bradpython12

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qbt migrate 2.3.2

qBt Migrate

This tool changes the paths of existing torrents in qBittorrent in a bulk fashion.
It can also convert slashes when migrating between Windows and Linux/Mac.

Also check out my Chrome Extension for handling TV Episode torrents.
qBt TV Torrent Upload
Chrome Web Store
ALWAYS ensure qBittorrent is closed before running qbt_migrate.
Either quit through File -> Exit, task tray icon, or task manager for your system.
Install from PyPi using pip, or jump to Examples for Docker
pip install qbt_migrate

Run the script and follow prompts or use CLI arguments with command qbt_migrate
usage: qbt_migrate [-h] [-e EXISTING_PATH] [-n NEW_PATH] [-r] [-t {Windows,Linux,Mac}] [-b BT_BACKUP_PATH] [-s] [-l {DEBUG,INFO}] [-v]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
Existing root of path to look for.
-n NEW_PATH, --new-path NEW_PATH
New root path to replace existing root path with.
-r, --regex Existing and New paths are regex patterns. (Capture groups recommended).
-t {Windows,Linux,Mac}, --target-os {Windows,Linux,Mac}
Target OS (converts slashes). Default will auto-detect if conversion is needed based on existing vs new.
-b BT_BACKUP_PATH, --bt-backup-path BT_BACKUP_PATH
BT_backup Path Override.
-s, --skip-bad-files Skips bad .fastresume files instead of exiting. Default behavior is to exit.
-l {DEBUG,INFO}, --log-level {DEBUG,INFO}
Log Level, Default is INFO.
-v, --version Prints the current version number and exits.

By default, everything happens in the BT_backup directory defined by the OS the script is running on.
Override BT_backup path if needed.
Default BT_backup paths:

Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%/qBittorrent/BT_backup
Linux/Mac: $HOME/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup
Docker: /config/qBittorrent/BT_backup

A backup zip archive is automatically created in the BT_backup directory.
Assuming all of our torrents are in X:\Torrents when coming from Windows, or /torrents when coming from Linux/Mac
NOTE: When running qbt_migrate on a Linux/Mac machine, Windows paths will require double \. Ex. C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\Torrents
NOTE: Take note of trailing slash replacement when changing from Windows <-> Linux. -e X:\ -n /torrents will result in /torrentsxxxxx, not /torrents/xxxxx.
The correct pattern for this would be -e X: -n /torrents or -e X:\ -n /torrents/.
qbt_migrate -e X:\ -n Z:\ -t Windows # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change)
qbt_migrate -e X:\Torrents -n X:\NewDir\Torrents -t Windows # Windows to Windows (Directory Change)
qbt_migrate -e X:\Torrents -n Z:\NewDir\Torrents -t Windows # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change with directory change)
qbt_migrate -e X: -n /torrents -t Linux # Windows to Linux/Mac (converts slashes) # When running on Linux machine \\ is needed for Windows Paths # Note Trailing Slash
qbt_migrate -e X:\Torrents -n /torrents -t Linux # Windows to Linux/Mac (converts slashes) # When running on Linux machine \\ is needed for Windows Paths
qbt_migrate -e X:\\Torrents -n /torrents -t Linux # Windows to Linux/Mac (converts slashes) # When running on Linux machine \\ is needed for Windows Paths

qbt_migrate -e /torrents -n /new/path/for/torrents # Changes torrent root path on Linux/Mac
qbt_migrate -e /torrents -n Z:\Torrents -t Windows # Linux/Mac to Windows (converts slashes)
qbt_migrate -e /torrents -n Z:\\Torrents -t Windows # Linux/Mac to Windows (converts slashes) # When running on Linux machine \\ is needed for Windows Paths

# Adavanced Usage with RegEx
# Example would replace /some/test/with/a/path with /test/matched/path
qbt_migrate -r -e /some/(\w+)/.*$ -n \1/matched/path -t Linux # Matches using regex patterns and replaces using capture groups.
qbt_migrate --regex -e /some/(\w+)/.*$ -n \1/matched/path -t Linux # Matches using regex patterns and replaces using capture groups.

You can also run this tool with Docker if you don't have Python, or don't want to install the package to your system directly.
The BT_backup path is automatically overridden to /tmp/BT_backup, so mount your BT_backup there.
NOTE: When running qbt_migrate Docker image on a Linux/Mac machine, Windows paths will require double \. Ex. C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\Torrents
The Docker image has all functionality as the pip install, following the same arguments/patterns listed in the above examples.
For example, mounting in the default BT_backup path on a Windows machine running Docker
docker run -v %LOCALAPPDATA%/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/tmp/BT_backup jslay88/qbt_migrate -e X:\ -n Z:\ # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change)
docker run -v %LOCALAPPDATA%/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/tmp/BT_backup jslay88/qbt_migrate -e X:\Torrents -n X:\NewDir\Torrents -t Windows # Windows to Windows (Directory Change)

Mounting in the default BT_backup path on a Linux/Mac machine running Docker
docker run -v $HOME/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/tmp/BT_backup jslay88/qbt_migrate -e X:\ -n Z:\ # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change)
docker run -v $HOME/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/tmp/BT_backup jslay88/qbt_migrate -e X:\Torrents -n X:\NewDir\Torrents -t Windows # Windows to Windows (Directory Change)

If for some reason you wanted to override BT_backup path from /tmp/BT_backup within the container, simply set
environment variable BT_BACKUP_PATH on the container to where you will be mounting in.
The -e for environment variable override must go before the image jslay88/qbt_migrate as the -e after the image is for --existing-path
docker run -v %LOCALAPPDATA%/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/opt/qbt_migrate/fastresume -e BT_BACKUP_PATH=/opt/qbt_migrate/fastresume jslay88/qbt_migrate -e X:\ -n Z:\ # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change)

You can also clone this repository, build the image, and run your own built image
docker build . -t qbt_migrate
docker run -v %LOCALAPPDATA%/qBittorrent/BT_backup:/tmp/BT_backup qbt_migrate -e X:\ -n Z:\ # Windows to Windows (Drive letter change)

Python Module
This project has also been built to be modular and used as a Python Module. If you feel like utilizing this project within your own,
please feel free to do so, and let me know!
Use Cases:

UI for qbt_migrate
FastResume Class
Torrent Manager


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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