qgis-venv-creator 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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qgisvenvcreator 0.1.0

QGIS Venv Creator

Single file and zero dependency tool to create a Python virtual environment for QGIS plugin development.
Table of Contents


The recommended way to install qgis-venv-creator (and other Python cli tools) is to install it with pipx. Pipx will install the application in an isolated environment and make it available as a command line utility. To install pipx, follow the instructions provided at https://github.com/pypa/pipx#install-pipx.
$ pipx install qgis-venv-creator

Alternatively, to install in your current Python environment:
$ pip install qgis-venv-creator

Copy as a script
qgis-venv-creator is a single Python script that can be downloaded and copied to your project root, or any other location from which you wish to use it.
Quick start
On your plugin root directory, run:
$ create-qgis-venv

If you have copied the script file to your project root, you can run it with python create-qgis-venv.py.

On a system where there might be multiple QGIS installations (ie. Windows, MacOs), you are asked to select the one you want to use for development.
After the virtual environment is created, you can activate it and it will have access to the QGIS Python environment.
create-qgis-venv [-h] [--venv-parent VENV_PARENT] [--venv-name VENV_NAME]
[--qgis-installation QGIS_INSTALLATION]
[--qgis-installation-search-path-pattern QGIS_INSTALLATION_SEARCH_PATH_PATTERN]
[--python-executable PYTHON_EXECUTABLE] [--debug]

Available on platform

-h, --help
Show this help message and exit

Path to the parent directory of the virtual environment to be created. Most likely your project directory. Default current directory.

Name of the virtual environment

Path to the QGIS installation to use for development. Installations made with official msi and Osgeo4W installers are supported. Give the path to the 'qgis' directory inside the 'apps' directory. If not given, the user is prompted to select one.

Custom glob pattern for QGIS installations to be selected. Can be set also with environment variable QGIS_INSTALLATION_SEARCH_PATH_PATTERN. For example "C:\qgis\*\apps\qgis*\" to find installations from "C:\qgis\3.32\apps\qgis\" and "C:\qgis\3.28\apps\qgis-ltr\"

Path to the Python executable used by the QGIS installation. If not given, the Python executable is searched from the QGIS installation.

Enable debug logging

This project uses Hatch for development and packaging. Install instructions can be found at the project's website https://hatch.pypa.io/latest/install.
To facilitate development with VS Code, it is recommended to create hatch environments in the project folder. You can configure hatch to do so by running:
hatch config set dirs.env.virtual ".hatch"

After Hatch has created the environment, you can set your Python interpreter to use the one located in .hatch/qgis-venv-creator.
Pre-commit hook
This project uses pre-commit to run code checks and tests before committing. You can install pre-commit with:
pipx install pre-commit

Install pre-commit hooks to your repo with:
pre-commit install

qgis-venv-creator is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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