quantity 0.11.4

Creator: bradpython12

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quantity 0.11.4

The package quantity provides classes for unit-safe computations with
quantities, including money.
Defining a quantity class
A basic type of quantity is declared just by sub-classing Quantity:
>>> class Length(Quantity):
... pass

But, as long as there is no unit defined for that class, you can not create
any instance for the new quantity class:
>>> l = Length(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: A unit must be given.

If there is a reference unit, the simplest way to define it is giving a name
and a symbol for it as keywords. The meta-class of Quantity will
then create a unit automatically:
>>> class Mass(Quantity,
... ref_unit_name='Kilogram',
... ref_unit_symbol='kg'):
... pass
>>> Mass.ref_unit
>>> class Length(Quantity,
... ref_unit_name='Metre',
... ref_unit_symbol='m'):
... pass
>>> Length.ref_unit

Now, this unit can be given to create a quantity:
>>> METRE = Length.ref_unit
>>> print(Length(15, METRE))
15 m

If no unit is given, the reference unit is used:
>>> print(Length(15))
15 m

Other units can be derived from the reference unit (or another unit), giving
a definition by multiplying a scaling factor with that unit:
>>> a_thousandth = Decimal("0.001")
>>> KILOGRAM = Mass.ref_unit
>>> GRAM = Mass.new_unit('g', 'Gram', a_thousandth * KILOGRAM)
>>> MILLIMETRE = Length.new_unit('mm', 'Millimetre', a_thousandth * METRE)
>>> KILOMETRE = Length.new_unit('km', 'Kilometre', 1000 * METRE)
>>> CENTIMETRE = Length.new_unit('cm', 'Centimetre', 10 * MILLIMETRE)

Instead of a number a SI prefix can be used as scaling factor. SI prefixes are
provided in a sub-module:
>>> from quantity.si_prefixes import *
>>> NANO.abbr, NANO.name, NANO.factor
('n', 'Nano', Decimal('0.000000001'))

>>> NANOMETRE = Length.new_unit('nm', 'Nanometre', NANO * METRE)

Using one unit as a reference and defining all other units by giving a
scaling factor is only possible if the units have the same scale. Otherwise,
units can just be instantiated without giving a definition:
>>> class Temperature(Quantity):
... pass
>>> CELSIUS = Temperature.new_unit('°C', 'Degree Celsius')
>>> FAHRENHEIT = Temperature.new_unit('°F', 'Degree Fahrenheit')
>>> KELVIN = Temperature.new_unit('K', 'Kelvin')

Derived types of quantities are declared by giving a definition based on
more basic types of quantities:
>>> class Volume(Quantity,
... define_as=Length ** 3,
... ref_unit_name='Cubic Metre'):
... pass
>>> class Duration(Quantity,
... ref_unit_name='Second',
... ref_unit_symbol='s'):
... pass
>>> class Velocity(Quantity,
... define_as=Length / Duration,
... ref_unit_name='Metre per Second'):
... pass

If no symbol for the reference unit is given with the class declaration, a
symbol is generated from the definition, as long as all types of quantities
in that definition have a reference unit.
>>> Volume.ref_unit.symbol
>>> Velocity.ref_unit.symbol

Other units have to be defined explicitly. This can be done either as shown
above or by deriving them from units of the base quantities:
>>> CUBIC_CENTIMETRE = Volume.derive_unit_from(CENTIMETRE,
... name='Cubic Centimetre')
>>> HOUR = Duration.new_unit('h', 'Hour', 3600 * Duration.ref_unit)
>>> KILOMETRE_PER_HOUR = Velocity.derive_unit_from(KILOMETRE, HOUR)

Instantiating quantities
The simplest way to create an instance of a class Quantity subclass is to
call the class giving an amount and a unit. If the unit is omitted, the
quantity's reference unit is used (if one is defined):
>>> Length(15, MILLIMETRE)
Length(Decimal(15), Unit('mm'))

Alternatively, an amount and a unit can be multiplied:
>>> 17.5 * KILOMETRE
Length(Decimal('17.5'), Unit('km'))

Also, it's possible to create a Quantity sub-class instance from a string
>>> Length('17.5 km')
Length(Decimal('17.5'), Unit('km'))

Unit-safe computations
A quantity can be converted to a quantity using a different unit by calling
the method Quantity.convert:
>>> l5cm = Length(Decimal(5), CENTIMETRE)
>>> l5cm.convert(MILLIMETRE)
Length(Decimal(50), Unit('mm'))
>>> l5cm.convert(KILOMETRE)
Length(Decimal('0.00005'), Unit('km'))

Quantities can be compared to other quantities using all comparison operators
defined for numbers. Different units are taken into account automatically, as
long as they are compatible, i.e. a conversion is available:
>>> Length(27) <= Length(91)
>>> Length(27, METRE) <= Length(91, CENTIMETRE)

Quantities can be added to or subtracted from other quantities …:
>>> Length(27) + Length(9)
>>> Length(27) - Length(91)
>>> Length(27) + Length(12, CENTIMETER)
>>> Length(12, CENTIMETER) + Length(17, METER)
Length(Decimal('1712'), Length.Unit('cm'))

… as long as they are instances of the same quantity type:
>>> Length(27) + Duration(9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IncompatibleUnitsError: Can't add a 'Length' and a 'Duration'

Quantities can be multiplied or divided by scalars, preserving the unit:
>>> 7.5 * Length(3, CENTIMETRE)
Length(Decimal('22.5'), Unit('cm'))
>>> Duration(66, MINUTE) / 11
Duration(Decimal(6), Unit('min'))

Quantities can be multiplied or divided by other quantities …:
>>> Length(15, METRE) / Duration(3, SECOND)

… as long as the resulting type of quantity is defined …:
>>> Duration(4, SECOND) * Length(7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
UndefinedResultError: Undefined result: Duration * Length

… or the result is a scalar:
>>> Duration(2, MINUTE) / Duration(50, SECOND)

Money is a special type of quantity. Its unit type is known as currency.
Money differs from physical quantities mainly in two aspects:

Money amounts are discrete. For each currency there is a smallest fraction
that can not be split further.

The relation between different currencies is not fixed, instead, it varies
over time.

The sub-package quantity.money provides classes and functions to deal
with these specifics.
A currency must explicitly be registered as a unit for further use. The
easiest way to do this is to call Money.register_currency. The method
is backed by a database of currencies defined in ISO 4217. It takes the
3-character ISO 4217 code as parameter.
Money derives from Quantity, so all operations on quantities can also be
applied to instances of Money. But because there is no fixed relation
between currencies, there is no implicit conversion between money amounts of
different currencies. Resulting values are always quantized to the smallest
fraction defined with the currency.
A conversion factor between two currencies can be defined by using the
class ExchangeRate. It is given a unit currency (aka base currency), a unit
multiple, a term currency (aka price currency) and a term amount, i.e. the
amount in term currency equivalent to unit multiple in unit currency.
Multiplying an amount in some currency with an exchange rate with the same
currency as unit currency results in the equivalent amount in term currency.
Likewise, dividing an amount in some currency with an exchange rate with the
same currency as term currency results in the equivalent amount in unit
As Money derives from Quantity, it can be combined with other quantities
in order to define a new quantity. This is, for example, useful for defining
prices per quantum.
For more details see the documentation provided with the source distribution
or here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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