quick-rest 0.1.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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quickrest 0.1.9

A versatile wrapper for REST APIs.
The sole non-builtin dependency is requests.
Use pip to install.
python -m pip install quick_rest

No full documentation at this time, maybe someday I'll get around to it...
You can get and post right now, and use the auth methods listed below. You can pass any requests get or post kwarg in on the Client.get and Client.post methods.
You can currently use no authentication, key authentication and JWT authentication.
No Authentication
from quick_rest import Client

url = 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/'
client = Client(url)
route = 'facts'
response = client.get(route)

from quick_rest import KeyClient

url = 'https://www.haloapi.com/'
creds = {'keyname': 'somekeyhere'}
client = KeyClient(url, creds)
route = 'stats/hw2/xp?players=LamerLink' # check out my sweet Halo stats
response = client.get(route)

JWT (JSON Web Token)
from quick_rest import JWTClient

url = 'https://some-jwt-client.com/'
creds = {'username': 'someusername', 'password': 'somepassword'}
# We need to specify the names for the auth_route, token_name, and jwt_key_name.
client = JWTClient(url, creds, 'auth', 'access_token', 'Authorization')
route = 'v0/some/route/results.json'
response = client.get(route)

Results come in the form of a ServerResponse object. You can access the raw_content attribute or use the decode, get_value, to_txt and to_csv methods to get the data from the object.
raw_response = response.raw_response
decoded_response = response.decode() # utf-8 by default
decoded_response = response.decode(encoding='utf-16')
value = response.get_value(key_name)
response.to_txt('some/path/file.txt') # dumps the raw response to file
# By default, to_csv sets \n to lineterminator and writes the header to file
response.to_csv('some/path/file.csv', lineterminator='\t', omit_header=True)

Please make any suggestions or issues on the Github page.
To Do

Oauth client.

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE.md file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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