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quickblox sdk

Quickblox Flutter SDK #
Quick Start #
This guide demonstarates how to connect Quickblox Flutter SDK to your project and start development.
Documentation: https://docs.quickblox.com/docs/flutter-quick-start
pub.dev package: https://pub.dev/packages/quickblox_sdk
Create a new app in the Admin Panel #
Quickblox application includes everything that brings messaging right into your application - chat, video calling, users, push notifications, etc. To create a QuickBlox application, follow the steps below:

Register a new account. Type in your email and password to sign in. You can also sign in with your Google or Github accounts.
Create the app clicking New app button.
Configure the app. Type in the information about your organization into corresponding fields and click Add button.
Go to the screen with credentials. Locate Credentials groupbox and copy your Application ID, Authorization Key, and Authorization Secret. These data are needed to run your application on QuickBlox server.

Install Flutter SDK into your app #
To create a new Flutter chat messaging app with QuickBlox SDK from scratch follow these steps:

Install Flutter for your platform
Run flutter create myapp to create a new project
Add QuickBlox SDK into your project's dependencies into dependencies section in *pubspec.yaml* file in your root project dir.

dependencies: quickblox_sdk: 0.16.1
Send your first message #
Initialize QuickBlox SDK
Initialize the framework with your application credentials. Pass appId, authKey, authSecret, accountKey to the QB.settings.init method using the code snippet below. As a result, your application details are stored in the server database and can be subsequently identified on the server.
const String APP_ID = "XXXXX";
const String API_ENDPOINT = ""; //optional
const String CHAT_ENDPOINT = ""; //optional

try {
apiEndpoint: API_ENDPOINT, chatEndpoint: CHAT_ENDPOINT);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occured, look at the exception message for more details
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Authorize user
In order to use the abilities of QuickBlox SDK, you need to authorize your app on the server, log in to your account and create a session. To get it all done call QB.auth.login method and pass login and password parameters to it using the code snippet below.
try {
QBLoginResult result = await QB.auth.login(login, password);
QBUser qbUser = result.qbUser;
QBSession qbSession = result.qbSession;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occured, look at the exception message for more details
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You must initialize SDK before calling any methods through the SDK except for the method initializing your QuickBlox instance. If you attempt to call a method without connecting, the error is returned.
Connect to chat
To connect to chat server, use the code snippet below:
try {
await QB.chat.connect(userId, userPassword);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occured, look at the exception message for more details
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Create dialog
QuickBlox provides three types of dialogs: 1-1 dialog, group dialog, and public dialog.
Let’s create 1-1 dialog. Call QB.chat.createDialog method and pass QBChatDialogTypes.CHAT parameter as a dialog type to it. QBChatDialogTypes.CHAT parameter allows specifying that two occupants are going to participate in the dialog.
try {
QBDialog createdDialog = await QB.chat.createDialog(occupantsIds, dialogName, dialogType: dialogType);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occured, look at the exception message for more details
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Subscribe to receive messages
QuickBlox provides chat event handler allowing to notify client apps of events that happen on the chat. Thus, when a dialog has been created, a user can subscribe to receive notifications about new incoming messages. To subscribe to message events call QB.chat.subscribeChatEvent method and pass QBChatEvents.RECEIVED_NEW_MESSAGE as an event parameter to it using the following code snippet.
event - provides some values:

QBChatEvents.RECEIVED_NEW_MESSAGE - subscribe to new messages event
QBChatEvents.RECEIVED_SYSTEM_MESSAGE - subsccribe to system messages event
QBChatEvents.MESSAGE_DELIVERED - subscribe to message delivered event
QBChatEvents.MESSAGE_READ - subscribe to message read event

StreamSubscription? _someSubscription;


void dispose() {
if(_someSubscription != null) {
_someSubscription = null;


String event = QBChatEvents.RECEIVED_NEW_MESSAGE;

try {
_someSubscription = await QB.chat.subscribeChatEvent(event, (data) {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> map = Map<dynamic, dynamic>.from(data);
Map<dynamic, dynamic> payload = Map<dynamic, dynamic>.from(map["payload"]);
String? messageId = payload["id"];
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occurred, look at the exception message for more details
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Send message
When a dialog is created, a user can send a message. To create and send your first message, call QB.chat.sendMessage method and specify the dialogId and body parameters to it. Pass saveToHistory parameter if you want this message to be saved in chat history that is stored forever.
try {
await QB.chat.sendMessage(dialogId, body: messageBody, saveToHistory: true);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Some error occured, look at the exception message for more details
copied to clipboard
For license information, please visit: https://quickblox.com/terms-of-use/


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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