rabbitbus 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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rabbitbus 0.1.2

Feel RabbitMQ like HTTP

Custom CorrelationManagers
Regexp routes

RabbitBus requires Python 3.6 >, aioamqp.
Install the dependencies and library.
$ pip install rabbitbus

import asyncio
from rabbitbus.manager import DatabusApp, Configuration
from rabbitbus.acks.requests import AmqpRequest
from rabbitbus.acks.responses import AckResponse

async def my_view(request: AmqpRequest):
# Write your code here
return AckResponse(request)

def serve():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Inherit from CorrelationManager for custom correlation storages
app = DatabusApp(conf=Configuration())
app.add_route(r'^CASH_REGISTER_EQUIPMENTS[a-zA-Z_]{4}$', my_view)

if __name__ == '__main__':

If message has reply_to property, you can make response like:
from rabbitbus.acks.requests import AmqpRequest
from rabbitbus.acks.responses import AckResponse

async def my_view(request: AmqpRequest):
# Write your code here
return AckResponse(request, data={"result": 1})

"reply_to" will be converted to the "routing_key" and message will be published to the app exchange.
More about RPC you can read in RabbitMQ documentation
Sometimes you may need to pause consuming.
Three method are to your needs:
app.is_paused() #bool to test if your app is paused

To send message from any view you can also use:
async def my_view(request: AmqpRequest):
# Write your code here
request.app.send_message(data={"test": True}, routing_key="TEST")
return AckResponse(request)


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