RabbitHole-SSH 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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RabbitHoleSSH 0.1.2


Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.

Who is this for?
For anyone who uses SSH Tunnel (forward and reverse), HTTP/HTTPS proxy, or needs a remote directory mounted via SSH.

A simple way to think about SSH tunnels
Simple YAML syntax to define SSH tunnels
Support Both Forward and Reverse tunnels
Support key based and password authentication
Support defining SSH-based Proxy
Support mounting SSH directories
Persistent tunnels. Broken connections are automatically recovered


pip install RabbitHole-SSH
(Optional) To use password authentication feature, install sshpass
(Optional) To use SSHFS mount feature, install sshfs

Quick Start

Create a file rabbithole.yaml under your current directory, and paste in the following snippet, replacing HOSTNAME with the ip or hostname of an SSH server, change other attributes accordingly:

- name: myserver
hostname: HOSTNAME
port: 22
user: root
verifyhost: false

- name: local
hostname: localhost

- from: 2222
to: myserver:22

Run command rabbithole.

Now you have a tunnel to myserver:22 from localhost:2222. Test your access with ssh -p 2222 root@localhost.
See more examples in Examples section.
Syntax Definition
- name: NAME # an identifier for a SSH host
hostname: HOSTNAME # ip or hostname for the SSH server
port: PORT # (Optional) a port number, default to 22
key: PATH # (Optional) specify the private key to use
password: PASSWORD # (Optional) password to use for the connection
user: USERNAME # (Optional) username to use, default to "root"
verifyhost: BOOL # (Optional) whether or not to verify SSH host when connecting, default to true
ssh_options: [OPT=VAL,...] # (Optional) Additional SSH options when connecting

- from: NODE_NAME:PORT # This is the entry point of the tunnel, NODE_NAME default to localhost if omitted, PORT is required
to: NODE_NAME:PORT # This is the exit of the tunnel, NODE_NAME default to localhost if omitted, PORT is required
bind: IP # (Optional) which ip to bind the tunnel to. IP default to 'localhost'. Use 'all' to bind to all interfaces.

- from: PORT # This is the entry point of the proxy
to: NODE_NAME # This is the proxy SSH node
bind: IP # (Optional) which ip to bind the proxy to. IP default to 'localhost'. Use 'all' to bind to all interfaces.

- from: PATH # This is the entry point of the SSHFS mount
to: NODE_NAME:PATH # This is the exit of the SSHFS mount, PATH default to home directory if omitted, NODE_NAME is required
mkdir: BOOL # (Optional) Whether to create the mount point if does not exist, default to false

Configuration File
The YAML configuration file for RabbitHole need to be placed under current directory, ~/rabbithole.yaml, or /etc/rabbithole.yaml. Files are tried in that order and the first one is used.

Node Definition

- name: server1
hostname: server1

- name: password_only_server
hostname: password.example.org
password: "notmypassword!"
user: user

- name: an_aws_server
key: ~/.ssh/ec2_key.pem
user: ec2-user
verifyhost: no

- name: hidden_ssh_server
hostname: not22.example.org
port: 2222

A Forward Tunnel

# localhost:1234 tunneled to myserver:22
- from: 1234 # NODE_NAME default to localhost
to: myserver:22

# localhost:8080 tunneled to nginx:80
- from: localhost:8080
to: nginx:80

A Reverse Tunnel

# SSH access bypassing a firewall
- from: myserver:2222
to: 22 # NODE_NAME default to localhost

# exposing a test server to the world
- from: www_server:80
to: localhost:8080

SOCKS5 Proxy

- from: 9000
to: uk_server
bind: all # open port 9000 to all interfaces

- from: 9001
to: us_server
# default bind to localhost

# Test the proxy: `export http_proxy=socks5://localhost:9000/ https_proxy=socks5://localhost:9000/; curl https://ipinfo.io`


- from: /mnt/server1_home
to: server1 # PATH default to home directory

- from: /mnt/server2_root
to: server2:/
mkdir: true # create /mnt/server2_root directory if it does not exist


Add support for forward tunnel through an intermediate host
Add init script to run at startup
Add verbose mode to print useful debug messages
Anything else that makes sense ;)

Bugs or Feature requests
Finding bugs and fix them, that is how software evolves. I need your help to make this software better for everyone. Feel free to open an issue or pull request and I will review it and respond.
A good software should be intuitive. I consider anything that is unintuitive about RabbitHole to be a bug too.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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