rabbitmq-rpc 0.1.10

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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rabbitmqrpc 0.1.10

RPC based on rabbitmq, cloned from here
How To Use
The orignal code can just be runned in console and has problems in windows(Server side). So I modified some code.
Now, the server side supports both pika.BlockConnection and pika.SelectionConnection.
In BlockConnection mode, the server side can only be runned in single thread. In SelectionConnection mode,
the server can be runned in multi-threads(Not in windows).


pip install rabbitmq-rpc

1.Create rabbitmq account in your rabbitmq server.
2.Run server.py first and then run client.py


from rabbitmq_rpc import server as Server
server = Server.RPCServer(queue_name='default',
amqp_url = "amqp://yourname:yourpasswd@",

def add(a, b):
return a+b

if __name__ == '__main__':


from rabbitmq_rpc.client import RPCClient
import time

def add(i):
t1 = time.time()
client = RPCClient(amqp_url='amqp://yourname:yourpasswd@')
res = client.call_add(0, i)
t2= time.time()
print(f"{0} + {i} = {res} RPC Time Cost: {t2-t1:.2f}")
return res

for i in range(300):
obj = add(i)

Client with flask: client_with_flask.py

from rabbitmq_rpc.client import RPCClient
import flask
web = flask.Flask(__name__)
web.debug = True
import time

def add(i):
t1 = time.time()
client = RPCClient(amqp_url='amqp://yourname:yourpasswd@')
res = client.call_add(0, i)
t2= time.time()
print(f"{0} + {i} = {res} RPC Time Cost: {t2-t1:.2f}")
return res

def test_web(n):
res = add(int(n))
return str(res)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Notice, In default, flask enabled threading.
# If single-thread is needed, pass in 'threaded=False' option
web.run(host = '', use_reloader = False)

*Note: RPCClient is not thread-safe. This is because pika is not thread-safe.
So, create a RPCClient object only in one thread. DO NOT use it in multi-threads. *
Original README
Note: replace rabbit_rpc with rabbitmq_rpc
Rabbit RPC


这是对 RabbitMQ 的 Pika_ 库进行封装的,一套简易 RPC 客户端/服务端库。



pip install rabbit-rpc




# project/consumers.py

from rabbit_rpc.consumer import consumer

def add(a, b):
return a + b

# project shell
rabbit_rpc worker --amqp 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'

# with django

rabbit_rpc worker --amqp 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/' --django project



from rabbit_rpc.client import RPCClient

client = RPCClient(amqp_url='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/')
ret = client.call_add(1, 1, timeout=1)

# or ignore result
client.call_add(1, 1, ignore_result=True)

# specify routing_key
client.call_add(1, 1, routing_key='default')

.. _Pika: https://github.com/pika/pika


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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