rabbitstew 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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rabbitstew 0.1.0

A small command-line tool that adheres to the Unix philospohy for publishing
messages to RabbitMQ.
rabbitstew takes input from stdin and publishes a message per line
received. You can customize the exchange and routing key used, along with
message properties. Additionally, you can enable publisher confirmations if

rabbitstew is available from the Python Package Index
and can be installed via pip or easy_install.

Usage Example
cat /var/log/messages | rabbitstew -H rabbit-server -r syslog.messages

CLI Options
usage: rabbitstew [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-s] [-v VHOST] [-u USER]
[--add-user] [--app-id APP_ID] [--auto-id]
[--content-type VALUE] [--type TYPE] [-V] [--version]

RabbitMQ message publisher

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST Server hostname (default: localhost)
-p PORT Server port (default: 5672)
-s Use SSL to connect (default: False)
-v VHOST Server virtual host (default: /)
-u USER Server username (default: guest)
-P PASSWORD Server password (default: guest)
-W Prompt for password (default: False)
-f PATH Read password from a file (default: None)
-e EXCHANGE Exchange to publish to (default: None)
-r ROUTING_KEY Routing Key to use (default: None)
-c Confirm delivery of each message, exiting if a message
delivery could not be confirmed (default: False)
--add-user Include the user in the message properties (default: False)
--app-id APP_ID Specify the app-id property of the message (default: rabbitstew)
--auto-id Create a unique message ID for each message (default: False)
--content-type VALUE Specify the content type of the message (default: None)
--type TYPE Specify the message type (default: None)
-V Verbose output (default: False)
--version show program's version number and exit

Version History

0.1.0 - released 2015-02-02

Initial Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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