rabird.winio 0.2.6

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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rabird.winio 0.2.6

WARNING: This library was renamed to pywinio , please use it instead!
A wrapper library for winio .
Thanks for the great WinIO library which comes from Yariv Kaplan.
The WinIO library binary distribution will be accessed from winiobinary package.


Keyboard Emulation

NOTICE: You must have a ps/2 keyboard connected to your PC if you test on win10 or later, otherwise this sample won’t works!

import rabird.winio
import time
import atexit

# KeyBoard Commands
# Command port
KBC_KEY_CMD = 0x64
# Data port

__winio = None

def __get_winio():
global __winio

if __winio is None:
__winio = rabird.winio.WinIO()
def __clear_winio():
global __winio
__winio = None

return __winio

def wait_for_buffer_empty():
Wait keyboard buffer empty

winio = __get_winio()

dwRegVal = 0x02
while (dwRegVal & 0x02):
dwRegVal = winio.get_port_byte(KBC_KEY_CMD)

def key_down(scancode):
winio = __get_winio()

winio.set_port_byte(KBC_KEY_CMD, 0xd2);
winio.set_port_byte(KBC_KEY_DATA, scancode)

def key_up(scancode):
winio = __get_winio()

winio.set_port_byte( KBC_KEY_CMD, 0xd2);
winio.set_port_byte( KBC_KEY_DATA, scancode | 0x80);

def key_press(scancode, press_time = 0.2):
key_down( scancode )
time.sleep( press_time )
key_up( scancode )

# Press 'A' key
# Scancodes references : https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-1.html

Privilege Requirements
WinIo requires administrative privileges to run properly. This can be achieved by:

Using WinIo from a service running as LocalSystem (SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME privilege must be explicitly enabled).
Embedding a manifest file in the application that requests privilege elevation.
Requiring the user to choose the “Run as Administrator” option when launching the application.

The included C# samples demonstrate using an embedded manifest file to request privilege elevation.

Driver Signing Requirements on 64-bit Systems
64-bit versions of Windows only load device drivers that are signed by a code signing certificate issued by a public CA such as Verisign, Thawte, etc. WinIo64.sys must not be deployed on production machines unless a code signing certificate is obtained and used to sign this file. The bundled copy of WinIo64.sys is signed with a self-signed certificate and can only be used on development/test machines with Windows running in a special “test” mode. In order to use the bundled version of WinIo64.sys, you need to take the following steps:

Open an elevated command window by right-clicking the icon and clicking “Run as Administrator”.
Type the following command to enable test-signing:

bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON

Reboot the machine

For more information on Windows driver signing requirements, please refer to http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/drvsign/kmcs_walkthrough.mspx.

This library used MIT license which already descripted in LICENSE.txt
WinIO library’s license descripted in LICENSE-WINIO.txt


0.2.6 (2018-07-20)

Claim this library renamed to pywinio!

0.2.5 (2018-07-20)

Removed support of python 2.x

0.2.4 (2018-06-01)

Supported automatic deploy by appveyor

0.2.0 (2018-01-21)

Depends on winiobinary project, so we don’t need to download WinIo binaries during setup.py

0.1.9 (2015-12-02)

Can’t install from packaged zip file due to missing rabird_bootstrap.py

0.1.8 (2015-09-09)

Fixed not working with 64bits os

0.1.0 (2015-08-18)

Fixed not working with python3

0.0.9 (2015-08-18)

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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