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RaiWah(ไร่วา) #
A dart library measure area land in Thai unit.

Features #

Convert Rai, Ngan, and Square Wah to international unit freely and visversa with the same interface as units_converter package.
Convinient class to automatic take remainder of the area to the next unit to show better UX.

Installation #
To get started with Raiwah, you need to have Dart SDK version 3.2.6 or higher installed.
Add Raiwah to your pubspec.yaml file:
raiwah: ^1.0.0
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Then, run the following command to download the package:
$ dart pub get
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Usage #
Using RaiWah Convinient class #
import 'package:raiwah/raiwah.dart';

// Create a RaiWah object from square meters
final raiNgaWah = RaiWah.fromSquareMeter(1600.0);

// Access the Rai, Ngan, and Wah properties
print(raiNgaWah.rai); // Outputs: 1
print(raiNgaWah.ngan); // Outputs: 0
print(raiNgaWah.squareWah); // Outputs: 0.0

// harder example
final raiNgaWah = RaiWah.fromSquareMeter(2050.5);
print(raiNgaWah.rai); // Outputs: 1
print(raiNgaWah.ngan); // Outputs: 1
print(raiNgaWah.squareWah); // Outputs: 12.624999999999975

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Using Area #
Area is a class that allows you to convert between different units of area, including square meters and traditional Thai units of measurement.
Here's how you can use it:`
import 'package:raiwah/raiwah.dart';

// Create an Area object and convert 1 Rai into square meters
final sq = Area()..convert(AREAWithThaiUnits.rai, 1);

// Access the squareMeters, ngan, and squareWah properties
print(sq.squareMeters.value); // Outputs: 1600.0
print(sq.ngan.value); // Outputs: 4.0
print(sq.squareWah.value); // Outputs: 400

print(sq.acres.value); // Outputs: 0.3953...
print(sq.hectares.value); // Outputs: 0.16
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Testing #
To run tests, use the following command:
$ dart test
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Contributing #
Contributions are welcome.
Versioning #
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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