
Creator: coderz1093

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randexp.dart #
A Dart port of randexp.js.
randexp will generate a random string that matches a given RegExp Javascript object.
Usage #
import 'package:randexp/randexp.dart';

void main() {
// supports grouping and piping
RandExp(RegExp(r'hello+ (world|to you)')).gen();
// => hellooooooooooooooooooo world

// sets and ranges and references
// => <m5xhdg>foo<m5xhdg>

// wildcard
RandExp(RegExp(r'random stuff: .+')).gen();
// => random stuff: l3m;Hf9XYbI [YPaxV>U*4-_F!WXQh9>;rH3i l!8.zoh?[utt1OWFQrE ^~8zEQm]~tK

// ignore case
RandExp(RegExp(r'xxx xtreme dragon warrior xxx', caseSensitive: false)).gen();
// => xxx xtReME dRAGON warRiOR xXX
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Default Range #
The default generated character range includes printable ASCII characters between 32-126.
RandExp(RegExp('random stuff: .+'), range: DRange(0, 65535));
// => random stuff: 湐箻ໜ䫴␩⶛㳸長���邓蕲뤀쑡篷皇硬剈궦佔칗븛뀃匫鴔事좍ﯣ⭼ꝏ䭍詳蒂䥂뽭
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Custom PRNG #
The default randomness is provided by the dart:math default Random class. If you need to use a seedable or cryptographic PRNG, you can override it with the constructor argument RandExp(randInt: customRandInt). The randInt function should accept an inclusive range and return a randomly selected number within that range.
Infinite Repetitionals #
Repetitional tokens such as *, +, and {3,} have an infinite max range. In this case, randexp looks at its min and adds 100 to it to get a useable max value. If you want to use another int other than 100 you can change the max with the constructor argument maxRepetition.
RandExp(RegExp('no{1,}'), maxRepetition: 1000000);
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Bad Regular Expressions #
There are some regular expressions which can never match any string.

Ones with badly placed positionals such as a^ and RegExp(r'$c', multiLine: true). Randexp will ignore positional tokens.

Back references to non-existing groups like (a)\1\2. Randexp will ignore those references, returning an empty string for them. If the group exists only after the reference is used such as in \1 (hey), it will too be ignored.

Custom negated character sets with two sets inside that cancel each other out. Example: [^\w\W]. If you give this to randexp, it will return an empty string for this set since it can't match anything.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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