ratteil 2024.7.3.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ratteil 2024.7.3.1

RatTeil is a Python app to stream the Holy Quran to YouTube. Streaming the Holy Quran to YouTube has never been easier, install RatTeil, run it, and step back - RatTeil will do the rest. RatTeil will auto/manually choose reciters and surahs for each stream, download the required audio files, and start streaming them.
How to Install

Install Termux app.
Run pkg update -y.
Then pkg install python wget ffmpeg -y.
Then python -m pip install ratteil.
Run ratteil -h to see available options.

Linux, Debian, etc.

Run apt-get update -y.
Then apt-get install python wget ffmpeg -y.
Then python -m pip install ratteil.
Run ratteil -h to see available options.


Clone RatTeil repo and change to the RatTeil folder.
Run sh install.sh.
Run python __main__.py -h to see options.


Download RatTeil package from GitHub or PyPI.
Install requirements with apt-get install python ffmpeg wget -y.
Run python -m pip install <ratteil_package_file_path>.

Quick Start
Before running this command, make sure you have:

Placed your images/videos for stream background under ~/RatTeil-resources/imgs/
Placed your video introduction and conclusion under ~/RatTeil-resources/fixer/ ( filenames must be introduction.mp4 and conclusion.mp4)

Run python -m pip install ratteil.
Run ratteil -t youtube.
Copy authentication links.
Follow the Google authentication link.
Enter the authentication code/token and verify your authority.
Done; the stream will start in a few moments.
Visit your YouTube channel or Facebook page to see your stream.

RatTeil Available Commands and Options
console usage: ratteil [-h] [-l] [-m] [-ms] [-n] [-R [...]] [-r] [-sn] [-s] [--no-download] [--no-validation] -t [...]


-h, --help
Show help message.

-l, --list
List all available reciters.

-m, --min
Set the minimum length for stream validation in minutes; default is 120 minutes (2 hours).

-ms, --streams
Set the number of streams per run; each stream will be 75 minutes or less. This value will automatically recalculate the minimum stream length for validation.

Set the number of reciters per stream; default is randomly between 3-7.

-R, --reciter
Manually choose stream reciter/reciters.

-r, --resume
Coming soon.

Set the number of surahs per stream; default is randomly between 20-50.

By setting this option, RatTeil will pass the resource downloading process and start streaming pre-existing resources. Note that this will stop the stream validation process.

By setting this option, the stream validation process will stop.

-t, --site
Set the website to stream to.


Run ratteil -sn 20 -t youtube. RatTeil will randomly choose 20 surahs, download them, and start streaming them to YouTube.
Run ratteil -R hazza -m 400 -t youtube facebook. RatTeil will set Hazza as the stream reciter, set the minimum validation value to 400 minutes.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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