rawscli 0.9.7

Creator: bradpython12

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rawscli 0.9.7

RAWS is a simple AWS Profile Manager with a command-line interface that helps you easily manipulate AWS profiles on your local machine.
RAWS will lookup location of your AWS credentials file through environment variable AWS_CREDS_FILE. If the variable is not set, it will default to ~/.aws/credentials. You can also override the file location by specifing --creds_file argument.
You can install the raws by cloning the repository and running pip install:
git clone git@github.com:andzhi4/raws
cd raws && pip install .

Using PyPi:
pip install rawscli

This will display a list of available commands:
raws -h
Available commands

add: Add a new AWS profile.
delete: Delete an existing AWS profile.
list: List all available AWS profiles.
show: Show detailed information on specified profile
setdefault: Make specified profile default
rename: Rename a profile
backup: backup credentials file (optionally provide location)
restore: restore from a location or from latest backup
version: show current version and exit

Here are a few examples of how to use the AWS Profile Manager:
Show all available profiles:
raws list

raws ls

Show details of the personal profile:
raws show personal

Add a new profile from clipboard (copied from AWS SSO page), set as default, rename to personal:
raws add cb --setdefault --rename_to=personal

Rename profile busieness_13123 to work:
raws rename busieness_13123 work

Set personal profile as default:
raws setdef personal

Backup current credentials file:
raws backup

Restore from the latest backup:
raws restore --latest

List all profiles in a backup file located in /home/user/backup/creds.bkp
raws --creds_file=/home/user/backup/creds.bkp ls

If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.
RAWS is released under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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