rc-cli 0.4.1

Creator: bradpython12

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rccli 0.4.1

RoseCloud CLI
The RoseCloud CLI tool. It is intended to be used to setup and manage
a RoseCloud workspace for instructors and teaching assistants.

python 3.5+

With pipenv

Install pipenv: sudo pip install pipenv.
Run pipenv install.
This sets up a python virtual environment for you. All subsequent
commands should be run via pipenv run .... If you need to add
another dependency, run pipenv install <package_name>.

Link CLI

Run pipenv install -e .. This will create a symlink to this
project. All changes here will show up in the pipenv.
Run pipenv run rc --help.

With pip

Run pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all dependencies to your machine. This is if you do not
want to mess around with virtual environments and are fine with adding a few
dependencies globally to your machine.

Link CLI

Run pip install -e .
Run rc --help

Things to Keep in Mind

Update requirements.txt once in a while. Recommend using pigar
Update setup.py dependencies once in a while.
Update Docker image once in a while by running

docker build -t docker.csse.rose-hulman.edu/rosebuild/rc-cli/pypi-deployer:MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH . --no-cache
docker push docker.csse.rose-hulman.edu/rosebuild/rc-cli/pypi-deployer:MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

We need test

Click supports isolated filesystem and internal invocation

In order to run tests on this project, please follow the below steps. Before proceeding, assure that you have Python3.4 or greater downloaded
Setup Python and Pip
If you have installed Python 3.4 or greater, pip will be bundled in the install. However, you may find
that you are still unable to use the pip commands in terminal. This is because we must place pip into
your computers environment variables. To do this:

Open up the windows menu in the bottom left of the screen
Right click on "Computer" and select properties
Select "Advanced System Settings"
Select "Environment Variables"
In the box labelled "System Variables", locate the "Path" variable
Select this row and select "Edit"
Append to end of the list ";{Path to Python install};{Path to Python install}\Scripts"
Reopen your terminal and you should be able to sue pip commands

Install Libraries
We now need to run all of the necessary installs. These installs are listed below.

if you have not already, run "pip install requirements.txt"


Navigate to the rc-cli folder
Enter the comman "virtualenv venv/Script/bin"
Enter the command "nosetest"

Running the Tests
You should now be able to run the tests. Navigate to the rc_cli\restore forlder in terminal.
Now, run the command "nosetests RestorerTests.py". At this point, I am getting a "bad git executable"
error. Please let me know if you get any errors from this.
You can read below for how to do it manually. To deploy, make sure the repository
is cleaned (all files committed and pushed).
Before committing to master, please update the version of the rc-cli service.
To do this, update the version parameter in the setup.py file to be the latest version,
in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
First, you need to install PyPi's publication tool twine.
pip install twine

You will also need wheel.
pip install wheel

Lastly, ensure you have the latest setuptools by running
pip install --upgrade setuptools

You will need to also setup a PyPi account (link)
and a test PyPi account (link).
For ease of use, you can create a file in your home directory called
.pypirc with the following. For linux and osx, this would be ~/.pypirc. Twine will use this to request rather than
requesting for credentials.
username = <username>
password = <password>

username = <username>
password = <password>

Update Version
Before we can generate any files to publish, we must first update the version of the software.

Open setup.py
Find the version parameter on line 12
Modify this parameter to be the new vesion number. The format is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

Generating Dist Files
Before you begin, make sure python has version 3.5+. The following command will
generate dist files that are specific to your python version and some of the features
used in this project are python 3.5+ specific.
To generate dist files, you need to run
python setup.py bdist_wheel

Upload New Distribution
If you are uploading changes, you should update the version in the setup.py following
semantic versioning principles. (Refer to Update Version)
Run the following to upload latest changes to official PyPi servers
twine upload dist/*

You can now install it using
pip install rc-cli

Alternatively, to test without messing with production, run this
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*

To install from test,
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/rc-cli rc-cli

More info here on PyPi distribution link.
More info here on test PyPi link.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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