rcluster 0.2.27

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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rcluster 0.2.27

rcluster makes launching and accessing an R cluster on AWS simple and
This repository will:

Create a connection to your AWS account
Create and save an AMI with the software and configuration needed
Allow you to launch a manager and a stated number of worker nodes,
automating the network connections between them and hosting a common
NFS-based home folder under the default cluster user:

“/home/cluster” is shared between manager and all workers
“/home/cluster/hostfile” contains the IPs of accessible worker
nodes and spare manager nodes, repeated based on the number of
available worker cores
cluster user’s “.Rprofile” defines the R function
defaultCluster() that automatically reference the hostfile to
create a PSOCK-based cluster

After that, login to RStudio Server as normal on the manager, run
defaultCluster(), and use the returned parallel cluster object with
parLapply() and its peers.

Getting Started
First, you must create and save locally your AWS access key ID and
secret access key
Next, run rcluster-config from your command line. Note that this
function will, by default, write your AWS access key and secret access
key to a hidden folder in your user directory with no additional
There are currently three functions to launch and manage an R cluster:

rcluster - Launch an R cluster on AWS using the default
configuration file. This function will open your default browser to
the RStudio Server login page on the manager instance once it is
rcluster-open - Access an active R cluster (opens a new tab in
your web browser to the RStudio Server instance, if available).
rcluster-terminate - Terminate all instances associated with your
rcluster configuration.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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