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rdftosqlite 0.2
Load the contents of an RDF file into a set of SQLite database tables.
$ rdf-to-sqlite --help
Usage: rdf-to-sqlite [OPTIONS] DB_PATH RDF_FILE
Convert an RDF file to SQLite
--version Show the version and exit.
--context TEXT URL or file containing a JSON-LD context
--format [html|n3|nquads|nt|rdfa|rdfa1.0|rdfa1.1|trix|turtle|xml|json-ld]
RDF serialization format [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
Given an RDF file example.ttl containing the following:
@prefix ns1: <http://schema.org/> .
<http://www.janedoe.com/> a ns1:Person ;
ns1:jobTitle "Professor" ;
ns1:name "Jane Doe" ;
ns1:telephone "(425) 123-4567" .
Running this command:
$ rdf-to-sqlite example.db example.ttl --format turtle --context https://schema.org/docs/jsonldcontext.jsonld
Will create a database file example.db with this schema, using a property
table approach to RDF storage on relational databases [1], [2]:
[@context] TEXT,
[jobTitle] TEXT,
[name] TEXT,
[telephone] TEXT
CREATE TABLE [Person_rdf:type] (
[subject] TEXT,
[predicate] TEXT,
[object] TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ([subject], [object])
Thanks to Simon Willison for the inspiration from his work on Datasette
and more specifically yaml-to-sql,
which was a very useful example for how to package this up properly.
[1] Sakr, S. and Al-Naymat, G., 2010.
Relational processing of RDF queries: a survey. ACM SIGMOD Record, 38(4), pp.23-28.
[2] Ali, W., Saleem, M., Yao, B., Hogan, A.
and Ngomo, A.C.N., 2020. Storage, indexing, query processing, and benchmarking
in centralized and distributed rdf engines: A survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.10331.
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