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reactive variables
Reactive Variables for Flutter #
Make your Flutter app's state management easier with reactive_variables. This package offers a simple way to create reactive variables, ensuring your UI always stays in sync.
🌟 Features: #
Simplicity: Create reactive variables without the fuss.
UI Synchronization: Widgets automatically refresh when your reactive variables change.
Flexibility: Comes with extensions that cater to various data types and collections.
🔧 Installation: #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml:
reactive_variables: ^1.0.0
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💡 How to use: #
1. Create a reactive variable
Creating by the constructor of RV:
final count = Rv(0);
final someString = Rv('');
final stringList = Rv<List<String>>([]);
final Rv<int?> nullableInt = Rv(null);
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or by the type extensions:
final count = 0.rv;
final someString = ''.rv;
final stringList = <String>[].rv;
// or
final stringList = ['123'].rv;
// Yes. We have an extension for Null class but we not really sure that it is useful
final nullableInt = null.rv<int>();
// Just try it and give a feedback of using. =)
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2. Listen to changes
// You are aible to receive a [StreamSubscription]
final countSubscription = count.listen((value) {
print("Value has been changed to: $value");
// or observe the value via [ChangeNotifier] methods
void countListener() => print("Value has been changed to: ${count.value}");
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3. Update the value
There are 3 ways to put a new value to an RV variable:
count.value = 5;
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In this case a new value will be compared to an old one. If they are equal, none of listeners will be notified.
But if we want to notify listeners even when old & new values are equal, we should use the trigger method.
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Also we can put a new value by the call method:
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In this case a value changing is working like in the first updating example (if old & new value are same, none listener wil be notified).
4. Auto-refreshing UI
// Simple widget wrapper (OBS) that will listen for changes of RV that we provide to the Obs instance.
rvList: [count],
builder: (context) => Text("Current count: ${count.value}"),
// or we can use `observer` method from the RV to build an observer widget., value) => Text("Current count: ${count.value}"));
// If you have to observe a list of RV with the same observer, you can put them in the list and use the same method.
[count, someRV].observer((context) => Text("Current count: ${count.value}"));
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📦 Extensions: #
Easily handle different data types:
final items = <String>{}.rv;
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📜 License: #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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