
Creator: coderz1093

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read pdf text

read_pdf_text #
This package parses text out of PDF document and returns it as a string.
Android #
On Android the plugin uses PDFbox open source library modified by Tom Roush.
iOS #
The iOS plugin uses PDFKit to parse the text out of PDF documents. It requires iOS version 11 or higher.
For error like: "Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftObjectiveC'"
Solution can be found here:
Getting Started #
The package only has three functions getPDFtext(path), getPDFtextPaginated(path) and getPDFlength(path).
Path is the file path to the PDF file you want to parse. I used file_picker package in the example to get the path of the PDF file.
Check the example for more details.
Example #

getPDFtext(String path) #
Returns text from PDF file as a String.
Future<String> getPDFtext(String path) async {
String text = "";
try {
text = await ReadPdfText.getPDFtext(path);
} on PlatformException {
print('Failed to get PDF text.');
return text;
copied to clipboard
getPDFtextPaginated(String path) #
Returns text from PDF but in a String list, where each item is a page of the PDF file.
Future<List<String>> getPDFtextPaginated(String path) async {
List<String> textList = List<String>();
try {
textList = await ReadPdfText.getPDFtextPaginated(path);
} on PlatformException {
print('Failed to get PDF text.');
return textList;
copied to clipboard
getPDFlength(String path) #
Returns length of the document as an integer.
Future<int> getPDFlength(String path) async {
int length = 0;
try {
length = await ReadPdfText.getPDFlength(path);
} on PlatformException {
print('Failed to get PDF length';)
return length;
copied to clipboard
I wrote an article about developing package for Flutter check it out #
How to write Flutter plugin --1


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