
Creator: coderz1093

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Ready #

- Ready is very simple package to allow you create your admin panel with flutter
- Not just an admin panel it also contains avery helpful widgets that you can use with your mobile app
- Admin panel itself can be used in mobile apps as its responsive
Can i see it #

Yes try this Demo

Where to get it #

If you are seeing this in pub site so you are in the right place
if not you can get it Here

How to use it #
[ ] First if you support multi language you have to add ready delegate in your material app
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [
copied to clipboard
[ ] We currently support arabic and english
Features #

Here will explain each feature
Click on the feature name to see how to use it

[x] ReadyDashboard

Admin panel layout in easy way
[responsive] it can work in any device except watch of course😄😄
ability to group drawer items
ability to add action buttons
ability to override action buttons for some pages
ability to add search input field in the top app bar

[x] ReadyList

Pull to refresh
Infinite scroll
headers and footers
easy to work with flutter_bloc but you can use any state management solution
can be grid or list or your own builder
contains ready grid delegates to make it simple

[x] ResponsiveDataTable

Responsive widget that show DataTable in large devices and list or grid in smaller one
6 layouts
can be configured to use list or DataTable
can has selection in lists and DataTables
can add filters , actions or actions for each row
work with the same controller [ReadyList]

[x] Animated

Fancy animations
able to merge between (flip , scale , fade, translate)
scoped animated runs animations one after one
non scoped run all animations in parallel
ReadyList contains a scope so you don't need to add it

[x] Shimmer

Show shimmer effect on a widget
drawing the shimmer on the whole scope the shimmer is in so the full page may has one scope and will paint the shimmer gradient on all [Shimmer] children in its tree
-like this

see how the effect works its not related to card

Packages #
There is related packages that related to ready and you can use it


[![N|Ready extension][ready_extension_github_padge]][ready_extension_github]

How to contribute #

To make package smaller and cleaner as possible we will not add a lot of features to it
instead we will add the new features in separate packages and list it in the packages section
in this way if any one need the new feature he can add its package to his project
any package must has a good docs before it listed in packages list


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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