realreq 0.7.4

Creator: bradpython12

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realreq 0.7.4

realreq: real requirements for real projects

realreq is the lightweight tool that provides you with the actual
dependencies used by your project.
Why use realreq?
Better dependency management
It is not a secret that python package management is not easy.
Separating package dependencies from tool dependencies is enough to make you pull
your hair out. Determining what packages are actual being used by your code, and
what their dependencies are is a hassle. realreq fixes this for you by
examining your source files and parsing out the dependencies for you.
realreq does not depend on any third party package, except for pip. It
does not make any assumptions about the presence or absence of a virtual
environment, or what tool you used to make your virtual environment. This
means it will work with whatever tool set you are already using, without
getting in the way of your workflow
realreq is available for install via pip.
pip install realreq
Shallow Dependencies
By default realreq delivers a "shallow" dependency specification, giving you a list of the packages
directly used by your code:
realreq -s ./path/to/mypackage > requirements.txt

This is useful for Library maintainers who want to make sure the minimal essentials are there,
without over specifying the actual requirements for their library.
Deep Dependencies
Alternatively, you can get a "deep" dependency list by using the -d flag
realreq -d -s ./path/to/mypackage > requirements.txt

This is beneficial for maintaining executable/standalone programs, by defining the exact requirements under which
the program will function.
Adding aliases
Due to the way python packaging works, it is possible for a python package to have a different install
name than import name. Realreq works by inspecting your imports and then checking the versions
they were installed with. If the names mismatch, there will be an issue with realreq being unable to
find them.
This can be resolved by adding an --alias/-a flag, mapping the import name to the install name.
realreq -d -s ./path/to/mypackage -a bs4=beautifulsoup4 > requirements.txt

If you have a lot of these aliases you can also specify them in an alias-file:
cat << EOF > realreq-aliases.txt
realreq -d -s ./path/to/mypackage --alias-file realreq-aliases.txt > requirements.txt

Additional tools
Inverted Tree
Sometimes you may want to explore the reasons for certain dependencies. Realreq lets you see an
inverted tree view that displays all your dependencies and what libraries they are used by. For
example the inverted tree for realreq's test suite looks like this:
- attrs
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock
- iniconfig
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock
- pluggy
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock
- py
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock
- pyparsing
|- packaging
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock
- tomli
|- pytest
|- pytest-mock

Currently realreq does not support a regular tree view, though that feature is one that I want to
implement in the future.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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