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reapitcdk.reapitproduct 0.1.2
Creates a product in the organisations service
Package Installation:
yarn add --dev @reapit-cdk/reapit-product
# or
npm install @reapit-cdk/reapit-product --save-dev
import { CfnOutput, Stack, App } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { ReapitProductProvider } from '@reapit-cdk/reapit-product'
import { RestApi } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway'
const app = new App()
const stack = new Stack(app, 'stack-name')
const orgsApiGwId = '' // imported from somewhere or hard coded
const organisationsServiceApiGateway = RestApi.fromRestApiId(stack, 'orgs-api-gw', orgsApiGwId)
const productProvider = new ReapitProductProvider(stack, 'product-provider', {
stageName: 'api',
const product = productProvider.createProduct(stack, 'product', {
name: 'a product name',
callbackUrls: [],
grant: 'authorizationCode',
isInternalApp: true,
requiresUserAdmin: false,
scopes: [],
signoutUrls: [],
new CfnOutput(stack, 'client-id', {
value: product.externalId,
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