reapit-cdk.wildcard-certificate 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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reapitcdk.wildcardcertificate 0.1.0


This construct returns a wildcard certificate valid for subdomains of the given domain names, creating and validating on if it doesn't exist. It supports cross-account DNS validation, you can pass in arns of roles from other accounts and it'll assume them whilst doing the Route53 updates.
Package Installation:
yarn add --dev @reapit-cdk/wildcard-certificate
# or
npm install @reapit-cdk/wildcard-certificate --save-dev

import { CfnOutput, Stack, App } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { WildcardCertificate } from '@reapit-cdk/wildcard-certificate'

const app = new App()
const stack = new Stack(app, 'stack-name', {
// stack env is required if hostedZoneArn isn't specified
env: {
region: 'us-east-1',
account: '000000',

// simple example
const wildcardCertificate = new WildcardCertificate(stack, 'cert', {
domains: [
domainName: '',
domainName: '',
new CfnOutput(stack, 'wildcardCertificateArn', {
value: wildcardCertificate.certificate.certificateArn,

// cross-account example
const xAccountWildcardCertificate = new WildcardCertificate(stack, 'x-account-cert', {
domains: [
domainName: '',
domainName: '',
hostedZoneArn: 'arn:partition:route53::account:hostedzone/Id',
roleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path',
new CfnOutput(stack, 'xAccountWildcardCertificateArn', {
value: xAccountWildcardCertificate.certificate.certificateArn,


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