recho 1.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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recho 1.0.2

Reddit Echo
Reposts Reddit posts from a target user to a specific slack channel

Helper class to make working with Selenium recho waits easier and
more accessible

(Optional) Create a virtual environment
Its useful to create a virtual environment for installing and running recho
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ cd ~
$ virtualenv .venvrecho
$ source .venvrecho/bin/activate

Register Your App
Register your app with Reddit, and jot down your Client ID and Secret

Click “create another app” button at the bottom
Click “script” radio button
Fill in the remaining boxes, the actual values don’t matter
Click create, and record Client ID and Secret

Install from PyPI using pip:
$ pip install --update recho
Add the configuration file
$ touch ~/.recho.ini
Write the following into that file, adding your Slack token and channel
client_id: <Reddit Client ID>
client_secret: <Reddit Client Secret>

# Follow instructions at
token: <Your slack token>
channel: <your channel name>
Note that the channel name is without the hash.
general instead of #general

Running Recho
Recho is designed for use with cron. Simply add an entry similar to the one below:
$ sudo vi /etc/crontab
If you use a virtual environment:
* * * * * user source ~/.venvrecho/bin/activate && recho acidtwist
Otherwise you can simply call recho directly
* * * * * user recho acidtwist


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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