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redistock 0.1.3
A simple and easy-to-use and cluster-supported distributed lock implement based on Redis and Python.
pip install redistock
Simple usage:
import redis
from redistock import Redistock
redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(...)
# simple
lock = Redistock(redis_conn, 'name')
if lock.acquire():
print('Obtained lock')
# with statement
with Redistock(redis_conn, 'name'):
print('Obtained lock')
Advanced usage:
import redis
from redistock import Redistock
from redistock import RedistockNotObtained
redis_conn = redis.StrictRedis(...)
with Redistock(redis_conn, 'name', ttl=1):
# will be blocked for 1 seconds
print('Obtained lock')
with Redistock(redis_conn, 'name', ttl=0.001):
# will be blocked for 1 milliseconds
print('Obtained lock')
with Redistock(redis_conn, 'name', delay=1):
# will delay 1 seconds between twice retry, default 0.001
print('Obtained lock')
lock = Redistock(redis_conn, 'name', block=False)
# do not retry, raise RedistockNotObtained if not obtained lock
if lock.acquire():
print('Obtained lock')
with Redistock(redis_conn, 'name', timeout=10):
# will try to acquire for 10 seconds, success or raise RedistockNotObtained
# after 10 seconds
print('Obtained lock')
except RedistockNotObtained:
print('Not obtained lock')
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