refurb-json-minify 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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refurbjsonminify 1.0.0

A small plugin for Refurb aimed at minifying JSON outputs.
Why is this important?
JSON is a widely used format for data exchange, whether that be APIs talking over the
internet, metadata being stored in a database, or config files stored on a user's
filesystem. Although CPU and harddrive space is getting cheaper and cheaper, it isn't
free, and being mindful of resources can lead to faster and more efficient programs.
Supported Checks
JMIN100: Use separators
The json.dump and
json.dumps functions
allow for an optional separators field which specifies what characters to use
for colons (:) and commas (,) in the JSON output. Normally there is whitespace
after these characters, but you can change this to use a more compact format.
Here is a simple example comparing the output of json.dumps() with and without
separators specified:
import json

data = {
"hello": "world",
"numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4],

a = json.dumps(data)
b = json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":"))

print(f"{len(a)=}", f"{len(b)=}")

When we run this, we get:
len(a)=43 len(b)=37

By reducing the whitespace in our JSON output we where able to shave off 6 bytes, or about
16% in this example.
JMIN101: Don't json.dump() integers
Don't call json.dump() on integers, use str() instead since they share the
same representation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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