refurb-plugin-example 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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refurbpluginexample 1.0.0

Refurb Plugin Example
This repo is meant to be a good starting point for those who are looking to
make plugins for Refurb.
For illustrative purposes, this plugin will emit an error when the following
print statement is found:
print("Hello world!")

First things first, fork this repo. Make sure to change the name, but keep
the refurb- prefix (for naming convention sake).
Next, clone:
$ git clone
$ cd refurb-your-plugin

Of course, replacing refurb-your-plugin with the name you picked.
Then, update the pyproject.toml file with the your information.
You can run the script to do this for you, which will ask you a series
of questions. If the script does not work, you will have to update it manually
(you should only need to update the first two sections).
Check Discovery
In order for Refurb to find and use your check, 2 conditions must be met:

You must export a class that starts with Error, which will contain the error metadata. Note:

It must derive from Error
It cannot be named ErrorCode

You must have a function called check, which is the entry point for a given check.

The definition for a check function looks something like this:
def check(node: CallExpr, errors: list[Error]) -> None:

Where CallExpr is the node you want to accept, and errors is where you append an
error if one occurs. You can accept multiple node types using a type union, like so:
def check(node: UnaryExpr | OpExpr, errors: list[Error]) -> None:

This check will accept both unary and binary expressions.
Any nested folders must contain an file. This might not be 100% necessary,
but from what I can tell, it is best to add it in anyways.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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