repo-find-orphans 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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repofindorphans 0.1.2

Repo Find Orphans
This is a simple tool that works alongside Google's
repo multiple git
repository management tool. It addresses two problems:

Local Orphans: Developers may add subprojects to the repository
without first registering them in the repo manifest. This is not a
recommended action in the repo workflow, but it does occur regularly
in large teams. These unregistered directories become orphans, and
the repo tool ignores them during synchronization and updates. This
tool deals with the issue by finding orphan directories, which
developers can then include in the project manifest for future

Remote Orphans: This tool can also search your GitHub account
for repositories that do not appear in your repo manifest. This is
useful for discovering repositories where you collaborate but are
not monitored by your repo project.

Breaking Changes:
The version 0.1.0 introduces breaking changes to the CLI interface.
There are two ways to install this tool:

Using pip: this will install the tool into your active
virtual environment or to the the global python environment. To
install with pip use the following command

pip install repo-find-orphans

Using pipx: If you want to keep your Python global environment
clean or install Python CLI tools in isolated environments use the
pipx option.

First make sure pipx is installed

pip install pipx

Then install the tool

pipx install repo-find-orphans

This will create a dedicated virtual environment for the tool and add the executable script to your ~/.local/bin
After the tool is installed use one of the following commands to find orphan projects.
Finding Local Orphans
This function scans your local project directory and finds all projects in it. Then it consults the specified manifest file to see which projects exist in the directory but are not mentioned in the manifest. Then it will print the list of such projects for your review and possible inclusion into the manifest.
repo-find-orphans local MANIFEST_FILE PROJECT_DIR

Replace MANIFEST_FILE with the path to your manifest file, and PROJECT_DIR with the path to your project directory.
Finding Remote Orphans
This function searches your GitHub account for repositories that do
not appear in your repo manifest. This is handy for finding
remote repositories on which you collaborate but are not monitored
by your repo project. It uses 'selections.yaml'  file that allows
 specify which projects should be excluded from your remote scan.
For additional details, see Remote Project
Selection. In addition to the repositories
stored in your Github account, it scans all of the organizations
that you are a member of, as well as individual repositories that
you are added as a collaborator.
To invoke this function use the following command:

Replace MANIFEST_FILE with the path to your manifest file, and
PATH_TO_SELECTION_CONFIG with the path to your selection configuration
Remote project selection
The selections.yaml file allows you to select which projects to
include or exclude from your remote scan. The configuration file
consist of multiple top level sections, each section corresponds
to an account or organition under consideration. Each section can
contain an include or exclude subsection to further refine the
selection. If neither include nor exclude sections are specified,
all projects from the organization will be included in the scan.
If either include or exclude is specified it is interpreted as follows:

include: section is considered first. If this section contains
a list of prefixes only the projects that match any of the prefixes
will be included in the scan. If this section is empty or missing
all projects will be included.

exclude: section is considered second. This section contains
a list of prefixes as well. If a name of a project matches any of
the prefixes in this section it will be excluded from the scan. If
this section is empty or missing no projects will be excluded.

For example:
- procure

This configuration will include all projects of the Ebiquity
organization except for the ones starting with procure
- bob
- bill

This configuration will only include projects with names starting
with bob or bill from the solmir organization.
reddit: {exclude: [""]}

This configuration will include all projects of the reddit organization.
- accumulo
- accumulo-examples
- accumulo-pig

This configuration will include only the projects that start
accumulo from the apache organization, but exclude the
accumulo-examples and accumulo-pig.
If you installed your tool using pipx, but get the command not found error when you are trying to run it check that ~/.local/bin
is in your shell search path. If it is not, run pipx ensurepath
to fix this


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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