repomate 1.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

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repomate 1.1.3


Important: Repomate has changed name to RepoBee. Please see
RepoBee's GitHub page for details.

Repomate is A CLI tool for administrating large amounts of GitHub
repositories, geared towards teachers and GitHub Enterprise. Repomate is
currently being used for the introductory courses in computer science at
KTH Royal Technical Institute of Technology. The
courses have roughly 200 students and several thousands of repositories,
allowing us to test Repomate at quite a large scale.
Repomate is on PyPi, so python3 -m pip install repomate should do the trick. See the
install instructions
for more elaborate instructions.
Getting started
The best way to get started with Repomate is to head over to the
Docs, where you (among other
things) will find the
user guide.
It covers the use of Repomate's varous commands by way of practical example,
and should set you on the right path with little effort.
Why Repomate?
Repomate was developed at KTH Royal Technical Institute of Technology to help
teachers and teaching assistants administrate GitHub repositories. It is
inspired by the old
teachers_pet tool, with added
features and a user experience more to our liking. Features range from creating
student repositories based on master (template) repos, to opening and closing
issues in bulk, to assigning peer reviews and cloning repos in bulk. Some parts
of Repomate can be customized using a simple but powerful plugin
system. For example, the
repomate-junit4 plugin allows for
automatically running JUnit4 test classes on production code in student repos.
Below is the output from running repomate -h, giving brief descriptions of
each of the main features:
$ repomate -h
usage: repomate [-h] [-v]

A CLI tool for administering large amounts of git repositories on GitHub
instances. See the full documentation at

positional arguments:
show-config Show the configuration file
setup Setup student repos.
update Update existing student repos.
migrate Migrate master repositories into the target
clone Clone student repos.
open-issues Open issues in student repos.
close-issues Close issues in student repos.
list-issues List issues in student repos.
assign-reviews Randomly assign students to peer review each others'
purge-review-teams Remove all review teams associated with the specified
students and master repos.
check-reviews Fetch all peer review teams for the specified student
repos, and check which assigned reviews have been done
(i.e. which issues have been opened).
verify-settings Verify your settings, such as the base url and the
OAUTH token.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Display version info

As of December 17th 2018, Repomate's CLI is a stable release and adheres to
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. The internals
of Repomate do not adhere to this versioning, so using Repomate as a library
is not recommended.
The plugin system is still to be considered in the beta phase, as it has seen
much less live action use than the rest of the CLI. Features are highly
unlikely to be cut, but hooks may be modified as new use-cases arise.
This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for specifics.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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