
Creator: coderz1093

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responsive navigation bar

Getting Started #
Example Code
Features #

Very easy to set up, beginner friendly

Everything is documented + you will be asked to add required values - the rest is optional (with sound null safety)

By default, fontSize, iconSize and padding are responsive (change size with screen size)

Optional: Beautiful gradient (backgroundGradient) for navigation bar and/or buttons (or solid colors)

Optional: Change the opacity (backgroundOpacity) of the menu bar

Optional: Blurred background (backgroundBlur) from the top of the navigation bar to the bottom of the screen

By default shows text on selected button (and resizes all buttons), this can simply be disabled via: showActiveButtonText = false

Only StatelessWidgets

How to make the bottomNavigationBar float above the Scaffold's body:

extendBody: true,
body: SafeArea(bottom: false, ...),
bottomNavigationBar: ...
copied to clipboard

Colors in the example GIFs below:

Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.dark
? const Color(0xff3c3c3c)
: const Color(0xffbebebe),
Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.dark
? const Color(0xffaaaaaa)
: const Color(0xff969696),
copied to clipboard
ResponsiveNavigationBar in Action #
With animation #

Without animation #

Todo #

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