
Creator: coderz1093

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responsive screen size

Welcome to responsive_screen_size, a package that provides pragmatic responsive-layout utils.
Getting started #
You need to add the package responsive_screen_size to your dependencies.
responsive_screen_size: ^latest # replace latest with version number
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Usage #
ScreenSizeDispatcher #
other: (_, __) => const NormalWidget(),
smartphone: (_, __) => const SmallWidget(),
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This widget listens for changes to the display width through MediaQuery. In case the size changes, it will rebuild. This widget is used for responsive layout.
Example: the page scaffold should display a BottomNavigationBar on smartphones, however it should switch to a NavigationRail on tablets.
How to use this widget:

It cannot be used before one of MaterialApp(.router), CupertinoApp(.router), ... is added to the widget tree.
It does not necessarily have to be used only at the scaffold level: it can also be used down the widget tree; however, in some cases you might favour LayoutBuilder.
Internally, it uses MediaQuery to read the dimensions of the screen. Once a breakpoint is reached, e.g., smartphone to tablet, a different widget might be built.

matchScreenSize #
matchScreenSize is a declarative pattern to invoke the right function for
the matching display size.
One can use this function in combination with virtual_platform or design_language, but you can use it also without.
smartphone showModalBottomSheet
other showSomeSpecialDialog
smartphone iphoneBottomSheet
tablet ipadBottomSheet
other desktopBottomSheet
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Breakpoints #
The developers don't have to specify any breakpoints, since they are already taken care of by this package.
It might be possible that those breakpoints are incorrect on some devices; in those cases please open an issue ;)
To test it you can override breakpoints in your main:
void main() {
breakPoints = BreakPoints(500, 800, 1300);
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Or you can also implement AbstractBreakPoints yourself if there should be a mismatch among platforms. The following example uses the package physical_platform.
class AdvancedBreakPoints extends AbstractBreakPoints {
) : super(500, 800, 1300);

//! In case a platform has way more logical pixels than the other ones,
//! add the chain of that platform to the [matchPhysicalPlatform] below.

bool isSmartphone(double width) => matchPhysicalPlatform(
other: () => lessThan(width, smartphoneMaxWidth),
ios: () => lessThan(width, 550), //! maybe pixels differ on iOS?

bool isTabletSmall(double width) =>
matchPhysicalPlatform(other: () => lessThan(width, tabletSmallMaxWidth));

bool isTabletLarge(double width) =>
matchPhysicalPlatform(other: () => lessThan(width, tabletLargeMaxWidth));
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And then:
void main() {
breakPoints = AdvancedBreakPoints();
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