restx-monkey 0.6.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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restxmonkey 0.6.1


Monkey patches for unmaintained flask-restx python package to keep
your installation of flask-restx compatible with the latest flask
and werkzeug.
Good NEWS everyone! Package flask-restx is maintained now! I strongly suggest to submit issues on official project issues page.
To install restx_monkey, use pip:
python -m pip install -U restx-monkey

Before importing flask-restx apply all patches in your main module:
# app main file
import restx_monkey as monkey


# after patch import other modules
import flask_restx
# your other code

or select which patches you do not want to apply
# app main file
import restx_monkey as monkey


# after patch import other modules
import flask_restx
# your other code

What is patched?
Here is list of patches applied to flask-restx package by this monkey:

replace_parse_rule - injects parse_rule method into werkzeug because flask-restx is using this internal method
fix_restx_api - fix deprecated flask-restx.api.Api init of doc endpoints after blueprint is bound
fix_restx_parser - replace failing flask_restx.reqparse.Argument class with child whom can correctly handle json
location of argument in flask.Request even in HTTP GET callback
update_swagger_ui - replace content of flask_restx.static directory with the later swagger UI then restx < 1.0
fix_endpoint_from_view - fix flask.scaffold missing _endpoint_from_view_func
inject_versions - puts back __version__ to flask and werkzeug for 3.0+ where the version was removed

Goal of project
Keep flask-restx compatible with the
latest flask and werkzeug as long as it is
reasonable simple to monkey patch it.
What this project is not
This project does not solve incompatibilities of other python packages
using flask-restx.
You can run tests with coverage tracing:
python -m coverage run -m unittest tests/test_* -v

To generate coverage report:
python -m coverage html

Clone repo and set up your pypi repo account credentials on build for build environment.

Move to package repo:
cd ~/git/restx_monkey

Install requirements:
python -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt

Clean old build fragments:
rm -rf ./dist ./build ./src/restx_monkey.egg-info

Build new package:
python -m build

Upload new package:
python -m twine upload dist/*


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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