
Creator: coderz1093

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result extensions

Useful extensions on Result class of async package.
Features #

FutureResult<T> alias for Future<Result<T>>
Result<U> map<U>(U Function(T) f);
Result<T> mapError<E extends Object>(E Function(Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace) f);
Result<U> flatMap<U>(Result<U> Function(T) f);
U fold<U>(U Function(T value) onSuccess, U Function(Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace) onError);
T getOrElse(T Function() orElse);
T getOrThrow();
void match({ void Function(T value)? onSuccess, void Function(Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)? onError });
void forEach(void Function(T) f)

Usage #
final username = await fetchResult(withError: false).fold(
(user) => user.username,
(error, _) => 'Cannot fetch user: $error',
print(username); // john

final usernameNotOk = await fetchResult(withError: true).fold(
(user) => user.username,
(error, _) => 'Cannot fetch user: $error',
print(usernameNotOk); // Cannot fetch user: Some Failure happened

final helloUser =
await fetchResult(withError: false).map((r) => 'hello ${r.username}');
print(helloUser.getOrElse(() => 'Hello, anonymous')); // hello john
copied to clipboard


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