
Creator: coderz1093

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Resultify #
A Dart package for result-oriented programming, providing a Result<R, E> type with convenient methods for streamlined error handling.
Usage #
To use this package, add resultify as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml:
resultify: <latest-version>
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Now you can import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:resultify/resultify.dart';
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Result Type #
The Result<R, E> type encapsulates either a successful result (R) or an error (E).
Result<int, String> divide(int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) return Result.error("Cannot divide by zero");
return Result.success(a ~/ b);
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Convinient methods #
The package provides convenient methods for working with results:

getResultOrDefault: Gets the result or a default value.
getErrorOrDefault: Gets the error or a default value.
match: Matches the result, invoking callbacks based on success or error.
wrap: Executes a function and wraps the result, handling exceptions.

For more examples and detailed usage, please refer to the example directory.
Issues and Contributions #
Feel free to report issues or contribute to the project on GitHub.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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