ret 0.1.4

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ret 0.1.4

A pure-python command-line regular expression tool for stream filtering, and extracting, designed to be minimal with an intuitive command-line interface.

You can install this via
$ python3 -m pip install ret
or using pipx
$ pipx install ret
Ret is pure python (tested on python 3.6+) with no dependencies.
That way, you can get a clean uninstall.

If you want to install the bleeding edge version of ret, right when it gets pushed to master, see here for instructions.


You can use ret to extract text via regex capture groups:
$ git branch
* master
$ git branch | ret "\* (\w+)" s --group 1
…finding all occurrences of a pattern:
$ ls | ret ".*\.py" findall
and even all occurrences of a pattern with capture groups:
$ ls | ret "(.*)\.py" findall --group 1
While those may seem untypical use cases, I have found myself using Ret countless times.
Here’s a one-liner for uninstalling unnecessary stuff for pip:
$ pip list --not-required | ret ".+\n.+\n((?:\n|.)+)" f -g 1 | ret "([^\s]+)\s+.+\n" f -g 1 | xargs pip uninstall --yes

Another case
Imagine this: you have just downloaded a bunch of tarballs, and have ran
for x in $(grep ".+\.tar\.gz"); do tar -xzf $x; done
Now you just want to cd into all of the extracted files, run ./configure && make && make install.
You could use ret to get the names of the extracted files, just from the tarballs’ names. Like this:
$ ls | grep ".+\.tar\.gz"

$ ls | ret "(.+)\.tar\.gz" f -g 1
and with that combined, we can do
$ for x in (ls | ret "(.+)\.tar\.gz" f -g 1); do {
cd $x &&
./configure && make && make install &&
cd -}; done
A life saver.

And remember, this is python regex: a very powerful regular expression engine.
The possibilities of usage are endless.


I love grep. But grep isn’t really for text extraction.
For example, you cannot extract regexes via capture groups.
Since I wanted that functionality, I decided to build this, Ret.

Why the name?
Ret is an acronym for regular expression tool.

Why it can’t replace grep
Ret originally was designed to provide some features grep lacks.
It never intended to replace good ol’ grep.
Grep is great for searching directories while
ret (currently) can only read from a file or stdin.
Furthermore, you cannot guarantee that ret is installed on the machine.
Also, Ret relies on the (slow) python regex engine.

What about sed?
Sed is for find-and-replacing streams. Ret’s different. But together, you can do some powerful things
Feel free to contribute!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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