
Creator: coderz1093

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conditional includes and code for Flutter and Dart #
The retarget tool takes a set of flag identifiers then comments-out or uncomments spans of code marked with in-comment pragmas. Tool does apply changes according to user defined rules, each be set with flag predicates on a pragma. Eg. retarget @ -ios +dev will comment-out code spans marked with +ios and activate code spans marked with +dev (dev not shown in the example code below).
// /* @ +ios****: # */ import package:flutter/cupertino.dart
/* // @ -ios****: # */ import package:flutter/material.dart

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/* // { guard___: #ifconf +ios *dev
return const CupertinoApp(
title: _title,
home: MyStatefulWidget(),
*/ //}{ guard```: #else ! +ios *dev
return MaterialApp(
title: _title,
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text(_title)),
body: const MyStatefulWidget(),
// // } guard^^^: #efi @! +ios *dev
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guard is made of a five random characters that bind pragma lines into a single set.
New pragma set can be generated with the --stub family options to the command, usually hooked to the IDE action. Eg. vim's :r! retarget --stubel @ +ios *dev command was used to generate the three #ifconf/else/efi pragma lines above.
Flag expressions for selecting code configuration #
As seen at example, retarget if pragmas consist of a distinctive header followed by a logical condition made of identifiers (flags), each prepended with either if‑set(+), if‑unset(-), or is‑irrelevant(*) predicates.

+flag : activate span if "flag" is given to the retarget for apply
-flag : activate span if "flag" is NOT given, or given with - prefix
*flag : "flag" state is irrelevant for this span

Code span is uncomented only if all +/- predicates are met (logical AND) - otherwise the enclosed code is commented-out using C style comments /* */. If there is an #else pragma present, one or either span is activated, according to the #ifconf expression value.
Only expressions on the #ifconf pragma matters to the tool. Ones on #else and #efi are meant for the reading human. If they diverge, eg. after the #ifconf line edit, tool will fix predicates on #else/#efi itself.
Knobs (switches) #
One of type switches can select a single active code span from among up to six. Switches can be exhaustive (ie. where all cases defined in the retarget.flags must be present and linter checks for the cases' completeness). Or they can have a default code span that activates if no specific case is selected. Default span is always the first one and its condition is given on the #switch pragma as kname.*. Exhaustive switch has one of its case conditions given right to the #switch pragma.
// exhaustive switch of three variants:
/* // { ekwec...: #switch .screen.desk from
/* Here goes your ".screen.desk" variant code... */
log('desktop screen layout is active');

*/ //}{ ekwec---: #caseof from
/* Here goes your "" variant code... */
log('mobile screen layout is active');

/* //}{ ekwec---: #caseof from
/* Here goes your "" variant code... */
log('tv screen layout is active');

*/ // } ekwec^^^: #esw OF
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Terms: .screen is "a knob", or "knob name", .tv,
.desk, .mobile are "variants", or "knob variant names".

// simple switch (with #caseofs for two of five variants):
/* // { fxziz...: #switch .os.* from .os.ios.droid.LIN.WIN.WEB
/* Here goes your "default" case code... */
log('other OSes code span is active');

*/ //}{ fxziz---: #caseof .os.droid from
/* Here goes your ".os.droid" variant code... */
log('android code span is active');

/* //}{ fxziz---: #caseof .os.ios from
/* Here goes your ".os.ios" variant code... */
log('iOS code span is active');

*/ // } fxziz^^^: #esw OF
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Line pragma #
/* // @ +win****: # */ include 'package:of_not_too_long_path.dart';
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This pragma turns on/off a single line content (following the pragma) with condition being a single flag or a knob variant (+being set or -not).
Beware! For now dart format may break your line pragma guarded code if line end reaches past the 80th column. It honors 1st column //, but it thinks that it is permitted to move /* comments */ at will (probably rigthful so).
Especially DO NOT use line pragmas deep in Flutter code. Nor set your IDE to use higher dart format --line-length (it will break for others). IOW for now use Line pragma just for a single include. If you have more than one include under same condition it is better to keep them all within #ifconf or #switch scopes.
Target configuration info #
Target info helps reading human to figure out the set code configuration.
/* // @ :Target:: # @main +dev -ios +lbe -i18n -release ᛫᛫᛫᛫|
.os.droid ᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫᛫*/
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Target pragma will be updated on each retarget apply to contain all pieces (branch, flags with state, knobs' selected variants) that were last used to configure the code tree.
Do NOT touch (remove, add, adjust) the filler dots. As other retarget pragmas this one is also a fixed-shape construct. Unlike other pragmas, Target uses unicode characters (\u16eb middot)

While Target pragma can be put on every file, it really should be kept only on a single one – typically one that contains program main entry. Otherwise source versioning repository will be polluted with superfluous copies of the same changes.

Default code configurations #
To allow for consistency checks retarget tool needs to know all flags to be used and their state. While all flags and knob variants might be given at every retarget invocation, it would be cumbersome and error-prone. Hence retarget allows user to define flags, knobs and their most-likely state in a text file named retarget.flags, meant to be kept alongside pubspec.yaml in the project's root directory (name and location are fixed).
The retarget.flags file may keep default configurations for more than one named branch of code. Then per-branch defaults can be applied simply by calling retarget @bname (@bname construct is called a "branch selector".). You can use bare @ - this summons a "main" branch configuration, the only one mandated. When retarget runs, any flag not explicitly given after branch selector on the cli is sourced from the retarget.flags template for the selected branch.

You can create a rich example of retarget.flags file using retarget --init > retarget.flags command. Also a complementary sample source file can be made using retarget --sample >lib/rtsample.dart command. Together these allow you to learn tool fast just by plaing with generated examples.

Fend off invalid configurations #
Flags in a branch template can be set as forced, so they may not be unwittingly abused (set or unset after @bname) to select a nonsensical code configuration or to --stub produce a nonsensical pragma condition. Final flag shape and state can be forced in .flags using ! for -, = for +, and % for *. Details are documented in the sample file.
Eg. apmob: !dro !mips =ios *dev %test will template a pragma expression of -dro -mips +ios *dev *test, allowing user to override only the "dev". Would user try to change expression eg. giving --stub @apmob +mips, tool linter will tell her that +mips is not meant for this branch at all. Nor she could override it just for apply with retarget @apmob +mips.
Forced defaults make harder to produce a pragma expression that does not fit with the given branch code configuration, and it makes harder to come with a source state that may not compile, or worse.
Pragma edit tips #

use --stubli --stubif --stubel --stubsw --stubca --stubtag to add pragmas. Let tool make a well formed pragma. You can't do this by hand.
The only places human is expected to overwrite are condition flag predicates + - *, in a generated pragma and, with care, knob variant selectors.
Span marking pragmas should be put alone in a separate line. Otherwise dart format may surprise you in a least expected way.
Pragmas' span should close over a natural code scope. Ie. all parentheses, brackets, and braces within a pair of pragmas must be balanced (there is no lint for that, it would be too slow and it would duplicate work of the analyzer).
Pragma enclosed spans can be nested, but for now there is no lint whether inner span will ever activate. If sponors came, such lint could be made.

Everyday usage tips #

Save all files opened in your IDE before applying configuration! Otherwise your code migh not compile, or – in a worst case – you may end with a couple of heisenbugs lurking.
Have your work commited in the local working branch before you apply changes.
git diff after applying configuration. Cleanly applied configuration should have only a few pragma changes showing in the diff: retarget tool is still an early beta and possibly will be beta for quite a some time. Caveat emptor!
To avoid pollution of an upstream repository (with pragma select diffs) a single configuration of the main branch should always be applied via a precommit hook to all files coming form branches of other code configurations.
Do not push upstream side code configurations (ones that override bare @branch settings).
Keep retarget branch names and your git/svn/fossil branch names in sync
Every and each SVCs branch should touch only its own retarget branch configuration lines in retarget.flags file.
To ease on diff and merges of retarget.flags later on, branch: lines for a given branch defaults should be surrounded by enough non changing comment lines.

Configure dependencies #
While developing multiplatform Flutter apps you likely will need to conditionally include different set of dependencies for different target configurations. Eg. macOS UI for desktop Mac, then Fluent UI for desktop Windows - as an addition to Flutter's Material/Cupertino widget sets.
You then need to deal with pubspec.yaml (and other non-dart files) changes. It can be done on the git level, albeit with chores. Author himself uses .git/info/attributes to keep per-branch dependencies stay ours on merge. Development continues in trunk-target branches, then is merged with --no-ff --no-commit gatekeeper that allows to sift out unwanted changes leaking to main.
Read Git Book |Attributes for basic instructions (technique is described in the last section).
Windows™ encoding caveats #

Retarget works through sources on a raw (utf8) bytes level. It means it will not touch UTF-16LE encoded files at all. Generating pragmas through the shell pipe also needs an UTF-8 aware environment. Per session basis it can be done manually using chcp 65001 command. Recent Windows cli solutions like "Windows Terminal", or "Cmder" are utf-8 aware and let you configure UTF-8 once for all via session profiles.
Line endings do not matter to retarget, except for the :Target: informative pragma that has two lines. Normally :Target: will adapt to the line endings convention of the file at apply time, but it will be broken if your editor (or your git) will change line endings back and forth.

Stay modest #
With retarget's flags/knobs/knob-variants limit being 7:7:6, respectively, you can still produce over 15 millions of distinct code configurations.

Thinking two to three flags is somehow manageable. Thinking three-to-five knob #cases is somehow manageable. Anything more is not.
Do not sprinkle your source file with dozens of pragmas. The retarget parser will understand the flow, humans will not. Single knob, plus single if/else nested spans (or vice-versa) per file are ok. Five nested knobs filled with ifs will shot off all your legs soon.
Make each branch template to have as few moving parts (non-forced flags/variants) as possible. Let yourself to use at most +/-dev, +/-loud after the @branch that sets everything else for the target platform and screen.

Final bold warning: with app in production you can not remove a flag!
Adding a flag, or knob, or knob variant is easy. Removing a flag or knob variant is next to impossible once even a smallest sliver of app logic that depends on a new flag state was written. Way to back off closes fast and tight with each additional line under a new condition. It is better to plan carefully ahead then stick with it for the project's life.

once there were tool options to add/rename configuration pieces, but these were retracted. Do not ask for them to be brought back, please.

Project state #

✅ Retarget basic functionality (done)
✅ Lint for most common mistakes in retarget.flags config file (done)
✅ Lint for most common failures after copy/paste source edits (done)
✅ Copy user edits of condition to the other pragma lines in a set (done)
✅ Hint #switch default case scope with variants uppercased (done)
✅ Integration test of apply enginge (done)
❌ Publish as a package on the site
❌ Tests for flags/cli linter (TBD, thats > 60 cases now)
❌ CI pipelines support (-S and --defcf TBD)

Files #
pubspec.yaml Its presence tells the code tree root.
retarget.flags keeps at least one defined configuration. If it is not present alongside
the pubspec.yaml, and CI's `--defcf` is not given either, tool will exit.
Ie. No config – no fun.
*.dart Tool target files
*.rtdart For testing tool itself, and for safe playing with "misbehaving" files
for all users.

lib/**/*.dart Only conventional Dart source locations are searched (recursively).
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Env #
- RT_DEFCF can be used instead of --defcf to define code configuration.
- RT_PKGDIR can be used instead of --dir providing path to a package tree
- RT_ERRCODES if merely set to anything, exit with error returns non-zero as if
retarget ran with --silent. Helps debuging CI scripts.
For interactive sessions retarget does not bother user with error
exit code - error messages for human user are printed out.
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Note: CI support, except RT_ERRCODES, is just planned as of now.
Install from #
If you intend to use retarget tool with more than one project, you probably should install it globally. Please constrain global installation to a specific version (as a precaution against supply-chain exploits).
$ pub global activate retarget 0.1.1
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Better yet, install retarget straight from sources:
Install from github #
cd yourworkspacedir
git clone
cd retarget
dart pub get # ! get/update dependencies
dart analyze # should be ok
dart compile exe -o bin/retarget bin/retarget.dart # posix/wsl, add .exe for Win
cp bin/retarget ~/bin # or /usr/local/opt/bin/ or where you keep local binaries
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retarget --help #
retarget [options] @[bname] [+|-flag [...]] [[.]knob.variant] [...]]
(naked @ implicitly selects @main branch)

-h, --help this page
-v, --verbose Inform about progress
-d, --dir Start at the given directory instead of default (current)
-n, --dry-run Do not change anything, just check. Dry-run can be also
turned on by giving a single ' c' as last to command.
-S, --silent Suppress printing errors. Sets $? to error # (for CI use)
--apply Walk the tree and apply target configuration (for CI use)
CLI does apply by default (unless given 'c' or --dry-run)
--force Perform some actions normally suppresed by lint errors.
If given to -n, a single byte test write will make sure
that lack of file permissions won't break --apply later.

--stubif generate #if/#efi pragma
--stubel generate #if/#else/#efi pragma
--stubli generate line pragma |expects @ +-condition
--stubsw generate #switch pragma |expects @ knob.var or "knob.*"
--stubca generate #else or #case from piped in #efi or #esw line
--stubtag generate "current configuration" pragma (updated later)
-g, --guard Five ascii letters to use as guard (normally generated)
-z, --zebra copy input code to every span of a newly generated stub
(without zebra piped code makes just to a single span)

--init prints example of a configuration template. You may redirect
output to a real file using ` >retarget.flags`
--sample prints source that uses all pragmas. Make real test file
redirecting output with eg. `>lib/rtsample.dart`
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License #
Retarget is a tool, not a library. Not much of it can be reused. Hence it is dual licensed: under CC BY‑ND license for all, then under BSD 3‑Clause license for companies sponsoring project via Github Sponsors. Both licenses text is to be found in the LICENSE file.
Support #
If your company is shipping smaller and more robust Flutter apps with retarget's help, please share a one programmer-hour per month to support tool maturing. If you are an employee of such a company, please mention up the ladder that whatever a succesful business uses daily is support‑worthy. Thank you.


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