
Creator: coderz1093

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reteno plugin

reteno_plugin #
Reteno Flutter SDK
Documentation #
Official documentation
Installation #
iOS #

Follow Step 1 described in iOS SDK setup guide: link

Modify your cocoapod file to contain next dependencies:

target 'NotificationServiceExtension' do
pod 'Reteno', '2.0.11'


target 'RetenoSdkExample' do
pod 'Reteno', '2.0.11'

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Run next command from root of your project:

flutter pub add reteno_plugin
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Next step for iOS is to call Reteno.start inside of your AppDelegate file. If you have migrated to AppDelegate.swift, follow Step 3 in iOS SDK setup guide: link

Android #

Run next command from root of your project:

flutter pub add reteno_plugin
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Add mavenCentral repository in your project level build.gradle:

buildscript {
repositories {
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Also you may need to increase minSdkVersion in project level build.gradle to 21, since Reteno uses this version as minimal;

Setting up SDK

Follow Step 1 described in Android SDK setup guide: link;

Follow Step 2 described in Android SDK setup guide: link;

Edit your MainApplication class and provider API Access-Key at SDK initialization.

Below is sample code you can add to your application class which gets you started with RetenoSDK.
package [com.YOUR_PACKAGE];

import com.reteno.core.Reteno
import com.reteno.core.RetenoApplication
import com.reteno.core.RetenoImpl

class CustomApplication : FlutterApplication(), RetenoApplication {
override fun onCreate() {
retenoInstance = RetenoImpl(this, "<your_access_key>")

private lateinit var retenoInstance: Reteno
override fun getRetenoInstance(): Reteno {
return retenoInstance
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Optionally (Android Only), you can make late initialization with config

class CustomApplication : FlutterApplication(), RetenoApplication {
override fun onCreate() {
retenoInstance = RetenoImpl(this, "<your_access_key>")

private lateinit var retenoInstance: Reteno
override fun getRetenoInstance(): Reteno {
return retenoInstance
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in Flutter project
await Reteno().initWith(
accessKey: '<your_access_key>',
userId: '<your_user_id>',
isPausedInAppMessages: true,
lifecycleTrackingOptions: LifecycleTrackingOptions.all(),
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Follow Step 5 described in Android SDK setup guide: link;

Push notifications #
Getting initial notification #
When you instantiate the app by clicking on a push notification, you may need to get its payload.
To do it, use the getInitialNotification method:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

final Reteno reteno = Reteno();

reteno.getInitialNotification().then((Map<String, dynamic>? payload) {
// Process payload...

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Listening for new push notifications in an open app #
When the app is open, you may need to track for new push notifications.
For that, the plugin provides the onRetenoNotificationReceived stream you can listen to:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

Reteno.onRetenoNotificationReceived.listen((Map<String, dynamic> payload) {
// Process payload...

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Getting notification data when interacting with push #
When you want to handle interaction with received notification you can use onRetenoNotificationClicked stream, so you can listen to it and receive notification data:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

Reteno.onRetenoNotificationClicked.listen((Map<String, dynamic> payload) {
// Process payload...

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Push notification actions #
When you want to handle push notification actions you can use onUserNotificationAction stream, so you can listen to it and receive notification action data:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

Reteno.onUserNotificationAction.listen((event) {
print('$_retenoPluginLogTag: onUserNotificationAction: ${event.toString()}');

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Tracking user behaviour #
Track Custom Events #
Reteno SDK provides ability to track custom events.
RetenoPlugin().logEvent({required RetenoCustomEvent event});
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Custom Event model:
class RetenoCustomEvent {
required this.eventTypeKey,
required this.dateOccurred,
this.forcePush = false,
required this.parameters,

final String eventTypeKey;
final DateTime dateOccurred;
final List<RetenoCustomEventParameter> parameters;
final bool forcePush;
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eventTypeKey - key qualifier of the event (provided by appDeveloper, confirmed by marketing team).

dateOccurred - time when event occurred (Date should be in ISO8601 format)

parameters - list of parameters, which describe the event

forcePush - iOS-only feature; Please read more about it here

Parameter model containt key/value fields to describe the parameter:
class RetenoCustomEventParameter {
RetenoCustomEventParameter(, this.value);

final String name;
final String? value;
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Example of usage:
final dateOccured =;
final event = RetenoCustomEvent(
eventTypeKey: eventTypeName,
dateOccurred: dateOccured,
parameters: [
RetenoCustomEventParameter(<parameter_name>, <parameter_value>)
forcePush: true|false,

await RetenoPlugin().logEvent(event: event);
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Tracking user information #
You can track the user related information using external user ID and/or user attributes. For that, you have to add userExternalId and setUserAttributes to Reteno Flutter.
Adding External User ID #
External user ID is an ID you have assigned to a user in your system (external for 'Reteno').
You can add these in Reteno Flutter using the following method:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

final reteno = Reteno();
userExternalId: 'USER_ID',
user: userInfo,
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Adding User Attributes #
User attributes define the information you collect about contacts in your user base. For example, phone number, email address, language preference, geographic location.
You can add user attributes using the following method:
import 'package:reteno_plugin/reteno.dart';

final reteno = Reteno();
userExternalId: 'USER_ID',
user: userInfo,
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Structure of the RetenoUser object:
class RetenoUser {

final UserAttributes? userAttributes;
final List<String>? subscriptionKeys;
final List<String>? groupNamesInclude;
final List<String>? groupNamesExclude;

class UserAttributes {
final String? phone;
final String? email;
final String? firstName;
final String? lastName;
final String? languageCode;
final String? timeZone;
final Address? address;
final List<UserCustomField>? fields;

class Address {
final String? region;
final String? town;
final String? address;
final String? postcode;

class UserCustomField {
required this.key,
final String key;
final String? value;
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Anonymous User Attributes #

Available for reteno_plugin starting from version 1.1.0
Reteno plugin allows tracking anonymous user attributes (no externalUserId required). To set user attributes without externalUserId use method setAnonymousUserAttributes():

Reteno.setAnonymousUserAttributes(AnonymousUserAttributes attributes);

**AnonymousUserAttributes** model:

class AnonymousUserAttributes {
final String? firstName;
final String? lastName;
final String? languageCode;
final String? timeZone;
final Address? address;
final List<UserCustomField>? fields;

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Note: you can't provide anonymous user attributes with phone or/and email. For that purpose use setUserAttributes() method with externalUserId

The tags for identifying language must be in compliance with RFC 5646. The primary language subtag must comply with the ISO 639-1 format. Example: de-AT.
The time zone format must comply with TZ database. Example: Europe/Kyiv.
In versions before 1.2.2 you can not use sentry_fltter due to sentry iOS versions mismatch. If you want to use sentry_flutter in your application. Please use flutter_plugin : 1.2.2 and sentry_flutter: 7.8.0
In-App Messages #
Pausing and Resuming In-App Messages #
You can pause and resume in-app messages using the following methods:
// Pause in-app messages

// Resume in-app messages
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Listening for In-App Message Status Changes #
Reteno.onInAppMessageStatusChanged.listen((status) {
switch (status) {
case InAppShouldBeDisplayed():
print('In-app should be displayed');
case InAppIsDisplayed():
print('In-app is displayed');
case InAppShouldBeClosed(:final action):
print('In-app should be closed $action');
case InAppIsClosed(:final action):
print('In-app is closed $action');
case InAppReceivedError(:final errorMessage):
print('In-app error: $errorMessage');
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Get recommended products #
You can personalize the user experience and increase sales by adding recommendations of your goods and services to an app.
final recommendations = await Reteno.getRecommendations(
recomenedationVariantId: 'r1107v1482',
productIds: ['240-LV09', '24-WG080'],
categoryId: 'Default Category/Training/Video Download',
filters: [RetenoRecomendationFilter(name: 'filter_name', values: ['filter_value'])],
fields: ['productId', 'name', 'descr', 'imageUrl', 'price'],
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Reteno App Inbox #
Downloading new messages #
final messages = await Reteno.appInbox.getAppInboxMessages();
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Marking message as opened #
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Marking all messages as opened #
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Obtaining messages count #
final count = await Reteno.appInbox.getAppInboxMessagesCount();
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Subscribing to messages count changes #
Reteno.appInbox.onMessagesCountChanged.listen((count) {
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License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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