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retrofit graphql

Retrofit GraphQL for Dart #

retrofit_graphql or Retrofit GraphQL for Dart is a powerful code generation tool that simplifies working with GraphQL in Dart projects. This tool automates the generation of Dart classes for types, enums, inputs. Additionally, it creates a GraphQL client for streamlined query, mutation and subscription execution. The code generator can also be configured to generate fragments that simplify attribute access.

Table of Contents #

Code Generation
GraphQL Client
Generate Code with Build Runner
Note: GraphQL Unions

Installation #

To add Retrofit GraphQL for Dart to your project, follow these steps:

Using Dart's pub package manager:

pub get retrofit_graphql
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If you are working with Flutter:

flutter pub get retrofit_graphql
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Getting Started #

To begin using Retrofit GraphQL in your project, make sure to follow these initial steps:

GraphQL Schema:

Ensure you have a well-defined GraphQL schema that outlines your data structures and operations.


Configure the Retrofit GraphQL library by specifying the path to your GraphQL schema and any custom type mappings in the build.yaml file.

Generate Dart Code:

Utilize Retrofit GraphQL to automatically generate necessary Dart classes based on your schema, queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

GraphQL Client:

The tool automatically creates a GraphQL client to handle mutations, queries and subscriptions efficiently.

Code Generation #

The code generation process involves:

Schema Parsing:

The tool parses your GraphQL schema, queries, and mutations to generate Dart classes.

Type Classes:

Generates classes for representing data structures defined in your schema.

Enum Classes:

Creates enum classes for enumerated types in your schema.

Input Classes:

Generates input classes for GraphQL input types, simplifying data interaction.

JSON Serialization/Deserialization:

Includes a JsonSerializableGenerator to handle JSON serialization and deserialization.

Custom Type Names:

The tool recognizes the @gqTypeName(name:"YourCustomName") directive in your GraphQL schema, allowing you to specify custom names for response types. This feature enables you to control the naming of generated Dart classes for specific response types.

Generate All Fields Fragments:

By enabling the generateAllFieldsFragments option in your build configuration, you can automatically generate fragments for all types. These fragments simplify the retrieval of all attributes for a specific class, allowing you to access them like this: {... _all_fields_YourClassName} or just {... _all_fields}. This feature enhances the ease of working with the generated Dart classes.

GraphQL Client #

Initialize the Client:

To initialize the GraphQL client, you can use the following code. This configuration sets up the client with WebSocket and HTTP adapters:

const wsUrl = "ws://localhost:8080/graphql";
const url = "http://localhost:8080/graphql";

// Create a WebSocket channel adapter for subscriptions.
var wsAdapter = WebSocketChannelAdapter(wsUrl); // this is optional

// Define an HTTP request function for queries and mutations.
var httpFn = (payload) => http
body: payload, headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"})
.map((response) => response.body)

// Create a GQClient with the HTTP and WebSocket adapters.
var client = GQClient(httpFn, wsAdapter);
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2. Execute GraphQL Operations:

You can use the GraphQL client to send queries, mutations, and subscriptions. The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve data with a query:

// Send a query to the server and receive the response as a stream.
.getUser(id: "test", client: true)
.map((event) => event.getUser)
.then((value) {
// Handle the response data here.
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The client.queries.getUser method sends a GraphQL query to the server, and the response is processed in the stream. You can adapt this example to perform mutations and subscriptions as needed.

3. Working with Data Payloads:

The client seamlessly handles data payloads using the provided adapter for JSON data transmission.

4. Error Handling:

The generated client includes error handling mechanisms for GraphQL errors and exceptions.

Generate Code with Build Runner: #

After setting up Retrofit GraphQL in your project, you need to generate code using the build_runner tool. To do this, execute the following command in your project's root directory:

flutter pub run build_runner watch -d
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This command triggers the code generation process, which creates a "generated" folder containing the following generated Dart code: This folder contains generated code for all your queries, mutations, and subscriptions. Contains code for all generated type classes. Includes code for generated input classes. Contains code for generated enum classes.

Make sure to include these generated files in your project as they are essential for working with Retrofit GraphQL. These files will be automatically updated as you modify your GraphQL schema and queries.

Note: GraphQL Unions #

Please note that as of the current version, Retrofit GraphQL does not support GraphQL unions. Ensure your schema and queries do not rely on GraphQL union types when using this tool.

License #

Retrofit GraphQL is open-source software released under the MIT License. Review the LICENSE file for detailed licensing terms.

For project updates, additional information, reporting issues, or making suggestions, please visit our GitHub repository.

Thank you for choosing Retrofit GraphQL for Dart to streamline your GraphQL development and data handling.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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