
Creator: coderz1093

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reusable tools

Personal Reusable Tools #
Feel free to fork and/or modify! (For your lazy mode) #
All extension have Async version if supported.
Extension of dart:core #


(String,dynamic => String) toJsonString: Convert to JSON String


(dynamic => String) toJsonString: Convert to JSON String
(String => String) joinPath: Join list with current platform separator character as separator
(String => String) joinComma: Join list with comma (,) character as separator
(String => String) joinDot: Join list with dot (.) character as separator
(String => String) joinSpace: Join list with a single space character as separator


(=> dynamic) toJsonObject: Convert to JSON Object


(=> num) toIntIfTrue: Returning an int if double evenly divisible by 1
(=> double) toPrecision(...): Returning double value with precision digit(s) up to given value


(=> String) bytesToBinaryPrefix: Convert bytes unit in integer to human readable value in Binary Prefix standart
(=> String) bytesToSIUnit: Convert bytes unit in integer to human readable value in SI standart

Extension of dart:io #


(=> String) toSha256: SHA256 of file
(=> String) toSha1: SHA1 of file
(=> String) toMd5: MD5 of file
(=> String) toBase64: Base64 of file


(=> Direcory) doCheck: check if exist, if not then create

Tools #

SecurityTools class

Object (=> num) checkPasswordStrength(...): Check password strength in double, 0 to 1.
Object (=> String) generatePassphrase(...): Generate english words passphrase.
Object (=> String) generatePassword(...): Generate password.
Object (=> String) getUuidV5(...): Get Uuid V5
Object (=> String) getUuidV4 (getter): Get Uuid V4
Object (=> String) getUuidV1 (getter): Get Uuid V1

NetworkTools class

Static (=> _LogConfig()) logConfig (getter/setter): Network client logger
Static (=> _HttpClient()) client (getter): Network client

If neccesary, only import what you need #
import 'package:reusable_tools/reusable_tools.dart' show SecurityTools;
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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